The Mercurial Moods of St. Vincent & The Grenadines

March Photo Prompt — Dramatic Weather

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Our Photo Stories


Image ©life+wild

In August 2022, we had the privilege of sailing in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We opted to spend a second week at the last minute, which turned out to be a fortuitous decision.

On our first night out, right outside of the marina at Canouan, we experienced the most breathtaking sunset. Surely this was a sign of things to come, right? After all, isn’t the saying “red sky at night, sailors delight?”

Image ©life+wild

The good news is that you inevitably get wet when snorkeling, so a “little bit of rain” doesn’t detract from the experience. The bad news is that with this pounding rain, visibility is pretty poor. The above photo was taken two days into our trip. At this point, we were wondering if we were ever going to see the sun.

Image ©life+wild

Yay, rainbows are always good luck! I wonder how much gold the house on the point has stashed in it. Actually, never mind—with a view like that, who needs yellow metal?



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