How We Work

Flippo+Interactive brings together empathy and new technology to design brilliant products and services for tomorrow.

Our Process



We immerse ourselves in the problem to identify insights and opportunities.

We start with in-depth research—understanding the nature of the problem and studying human behavior. We then synthesize our findings to identify insights and areas of opportunity. The resulting vision serves as a springboard for concept generation.

Immersion, Stakeholder Interviews, Ethnographic Research, Landscape Analysis, Trends & Best Practices

We Deliver: Customer Insights, Opportunity Brief, Product Vision


Through a rapid, iterative process, we create, test and evolve competing product concepts.

Multi-disciplinary teams of strategists, designers and technologists brainstorm concepts and prioritize features. We build prototypes based on the strongest ones, testing them with consumers and learning from the results. Because the process is iterative, we continually improve upon the ideas.

Idea Generation, Collaborative Workshops, Rapid Prototyping, Concept Testing, Refine & Iterate

We Deliver: Vision Prototype, Product Roadmap, Project Plan

Build and Launch

We finalize and build the launch-ready product, then implement a plan for the future.

As we prepare to bring the product or service to market, we execute a combination of design, development and content creation to make it real. We then test it with customers, refine it, and create an optimization plan to analyze performance and user behavior post-launch.

UX Design, Visual Design, Content Development, Front & Back-End Development, User Testing

We Deliver: Launch-Ready Product, Optimization Plan



Our Process

FLIPPO+ is a strategy, branding, and design company. We help businesses form a strategy to grow their brand using great design.