
Releasing Relationship Baggage

Elle Le Blanc
Our Sensual Selves
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2020


Here is the remedy for relationship baggage that is on autoplay in your mind

Photo by Claudia Altamimi & Unsplash
Also keep in mind that hanging onto relationship baggage and re-hashing it over and over is an addiction, it’s now time to release it.

One of the things that I have struggled with over the years has been letting go of past relationship baggage. This is baggage of things over the years related to scenarios with friends, family, lovers and all other people I have been in relationships with. These scenarios seem to be on auto play, audio and visual recording in my head. Something will trigger an interaction and it will replay repeatedly and it drives me crazy. I will get all worked up and angry like I am reliving it all over again. Also, at times I will be with another person and something will trigger me, and I will have to spew word vomit of said interaction that is playing in my head. Sadly, the other person is just an innocent by stander aka friend that just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I try not to stifle my anger though; I usually just roll with it and try to figure out the lesson I am supposed to learn in all of this. Over the years I have done many things, saw therapists, did journaling, meditating and forgiveness work and one of the things I realized is that I am turning into my mother (she is the queen of hanging onto baggage). She has over 8 decades worth of past baggage that she just can’t seem to let go of after all of these years. I know because I am one of the people that she chooses to word vomit this crap all over, from time to time.

So just the other day I was plagued by thoughts of some dumb fuck boy from the past that made me angry and I thought to myself I am ready to let go of this shit. So, I contacted a trusted friend to just talk it over with and we talked for about an hour. My friend listened and offered up some suggestions which were to journal about it, to cut cords from these people when they pop into my head and to learn reiki which were all excellent suggestions. So right after our conversation I did some journaling. Later on in the day I was going about my business doing housework and daily chores. Then suddenly, I start to think about some past relationship baggage, and I could tell I was starting to spiral downward into that rabbit hole yet again.

I paused and I asked myself… “What are you trying to tell me?” That voice inside myself said to me… “I want to be heard”. I replied back “okay, I have been listening to you for years but you keep saying the same thing over and over every time, I am here for you, so how can I help you?” That small voice inside me said “I want you to make sure these things do not happen again” (a lot of these situations were abusive, not all but a lot were). So, I told myself “yes, I will admit that I have made some bad choices in the past. I am committed to listening to my intuition from now on and making the best choices possible in my life with whatever resources I have available.” (A lot of the scenarios in the past were about making bad life choices. Of course, I forgive myself for making these bad choices — forgiveness is a very important step). “However, things I do not have control over in the future I cannot guarantee whether or not they will happen again because of course those things are beyond my control”. The voice in my head responded with “thank you.” After that I did some cord cutting with some people from my past also.

Another thing to keep in mind is that hanging onto past baggage and reliving those scenarios over and over is an addiction. So, don’t feed the addiction. There are times when a person just really needs to check in with themselves and ask the question what are you trying to tell me and how can I help you? I suggest trying this out the next time you are reliving an experience in your head that represents some baggage that you have had. You may be surprised by what you might learn and whatever message you get or lesson you learn, I highly suggest that you follow it because that is what your soul wants and needs.

*Also, just a little update here, when I first started exploring this method of releasing past relationship baggage, it was a year ago in March 2019. I am here to say that it really does work. Remind yourself that hashing these things out is an addiction. Then ask yourself what you need. See what the answer is. If you don’t get an answer just say I don’t have time for this, I am not feeding into this addiction, I am moving on. Sometimes you are going through these issues again because you have things you need to further process and learn from. Just a reminder always be gentle with yourself because that is yet another thing that your soul wants and needs.



Elle Le Blanc
Our Sensual Selves

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Advocate/Writer: Women's Health, Relationships & Sexuality