I Believe in Good

5 Practical Miracles You May Miss Every Day

Our Souls in Words
5 min readAug 18, 2022


Between every disappointment and mistake are miracles and opportunities bubbling to the surface of your everyday life.

"Miracles and Wonder" Image designed by Carmellita (Author) in Canva

I remember the first time I saw a double rainbow. I was almost eight years old, running around in my grandparent's backyard with my little brother and my dog Snoopy blowing bubbles.

Yes, I had a dog named Snoopy. My Snoopy also slept atop his doghouse.

My little brother was the first to see the rainbows. "Look, it's two rainbows in the sky,” he shouted.

My grandfather, who had just come into the backyard to check on us, looked up and smiled.

"Granddaddy, is that a miracle?" I asked.

"Just as sure as the good Lord made it," my grandfather said proudly.

The Wonder of Miracles

The saying, "You can live two ways. You can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as everything is a miracle," has been credited to Albert Einstein.

Perhaps, my grandfather couldn't explain a double rainbow. He simply saw its wonder and beauty. He might not have known that sometimes light reflects twice off the back of the raindrop.



Our Souls in Words

Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of http://bluelotusliving.com. BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.