Witnessing The Evil That is Cancer

A glimpse of the awful beast that lies within — very graphic descriptions, read with caution

Pene Hodge
Our Souls in Words


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

When cancer hits hard

Yesterday I had a young man as a patient.

37 years old and a time when he should be in the prime of his life.

Riddled with cancer.

There is that dreaded word again — cancer.

A word that is way overused.

A disease we know way too much about and not enough of, or so science says.

I left work feeling sad, tired, helpless.

I was itchy, and grossed out, especially after I held a piece of that evil in my very own hand.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Here is what I was told happened

According to the family, the young man originally from Brooklyn moved to Tennessee with his girlfriend. He was diagnosed in November of 2021.

One day he bit the inside of his right cheek, and it did not heal.



Pene Hodge
Our Souls in Words

Writer. I write because I must. Arrive curious, leave inspired. I welcome collaboration, contact me@oursoulwords@gmail.com