How This Former Addict Uses the Powerful Tool of Storytelling to Help Drug Users “Recover On Purpose”
Adam Vibe Gunton presented as the ideal all-American kid. He was an All-A student, all-state football player, and captain of the high school wrestling team. But Gunton carried a dark secret. He was addicted to drugs.
No thanks to some unfortunate influences in his life, Gunton started experimenting with recreational substances at age 11. Drinking turned into using cocaine and smoking pot, which eventually evolved into shooting smack.
Gunton considered it partying, nothing more than having a little fun. He would have never predicted that one day he’d find himself homeless and cowering on the floor of a crack den, staring up the barrel of a gun while silently wishing the drug dealer who stood over him would just pull the trigger and end his emotional suffering once and for all.
In 2015, in another narrow escape from death, the cops found him slumped over the wheel of his running car, nearly dead from an overdose. The cops that arrived on the scene were wearing their body cams and Gunton had to watch them pull his lifeless body out of that car on a 52” television screen in a courtroom a few months after the incident. This was still not enough of a “consequence” to empower him to get sober. Gunton says, “Once you’re hooked…