Everybody can start a shop on Primpy!

Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2019


Finally, this day arrived! We are proud to announce that in September 2019 Primpy will roll out an update, introducing shops. This release will allow opening a shop and uploading products, as well as selling them and manage orders within Primpy platform. Here are a few things you can expect:

Start your shop

It was never that easy. Just sign in, tell us some information about what you are selling and how you are intended to ship them, and Primpy will take care of everything else. No more infinite questionaries, annoying tax forms. Clear and available to everyone.

Upload products as you prefer

If you have just a few products, upload them manually with Primpy editor: write down the name of the product and description, assign tags and categories, upload images and mention your stock availability. In case of more products, Primpy allows you to import CSV file.

Sell with Primpy

Your product can appear anywhere: on the landing page, in search results, inside articles or in styles created by users. Whenever a user will buy your product, you will see it on your dashboard and can easily manage it. User will be informed when his order is accepted and sent.

Collaborate with Primpy

We have also started with affiliate marketing to offer vaster choice of products. At this moment, we have already 5 well-known chains to join our program, but this number only grows.

Join Primpy and give your shop a fresh start!

Primpy is a community-driven fashion market where end-users and businesses benefit from transparency and usability powered by the blockchain tech.

By bringing together technology, retailers, service providers and customers, Primpy becomes a go-to place for desirable fashion items, services, opportunities, tips and trends — tailored to users and businesses.




Technically reinventing the experience of fashion — An open call for a simplified, sensible and tech-backed fashion marketplace.