Primpy at Luxury Law London Summit 2019

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3 min readApr 8, 2019


The 7th edition of the annual Luxury Law London Summit offered us the opportunity to network and learn from business leaders and prominent counsel of the luxury industry. We had the opportunity to hear about changes in the luxury market from the CEOs, designers, and general advisers, as well as to join workshops focused on the business and legal implications led by important law firms.

On the 1st of April, we took a part in the Masterclass for the Fast Growing Luxury Companies — The Luxpreneurs. We had the opportunity to hear from such important figures in the luxury business world, as Arrigo Cipriani (Businessman), Sally O’Rourke (Co-Founder of Brand Love), Anna Paola (Founder of Paolita) and James Scroggs (Founder of M.C.Overalls), as well as many others. They shared their experiences of growing a brand, and their adaption process to the new technologies and customers demands. There also were a lot of discussions about equity, accountancy, law, branding and PR.

Primpy was also invited to present the project at the highly acclaimed New Luxury Masterclass powered by luxpreneurs (fast-growing companies), designers and businesses in luxury who provided corporate, legal and financial advice to assist the growth of startups like Primpy.

We had 5 minutes to pitch our project in front of acclaimed judges from the luxury industry with a Q&A session afterwards. Thanks to this opportunity, we received a lot of attention and also some useful advice for the future.

On the 2nd of April, we attended the main conference and some workshops where we heard a lot of interesting insights about the future of the luxury industry from J. Michael Evans (President of Alibaba), Silvio Campara (CEO at Golden Goose) and Marie Myers (CFO at Uipath).

Primpy is a community-driven fashion market where end users and businesses benefit from transparency and usability powered by the blockchain tech.

By bringing together technology, retailers, service providers and customers, Primpy becomes a go-to place for desirable fashion items, services, opportunities, tips and trends — tailored to users and businesses.




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