Technically reinventing the experience of fashion

Primpy is a community-generated platform that connects the fashion industry through technology, usability, transparency and simplicity.

Published in
7 min readApr 15, 2019


PRIMPY is the new way to Fashion! If you like to look amazing or make others look superb, Primpy is surely the home for you. Primpy is an online ecosystem that connects everyone in the fashion industry in a fun, unique and transparent way to boost sales, enhance consumer satisfaction and give equal opportunities to all retailers.

When you hear the word “primpy”, fashion and beauty come to mind. Tasteful dress-sense that is affordable, trendy, fitting and befitting the occasion you desire while passing the message you intend; be it elegant or casual, exotic or corporate. Fashion is the art of self-expression, passion, identity and personal statements.

There is a belief that fashion is hard work and you cannot express beauty without lots of extra effort. Primpy is here to change that belief by bringing everyone closer to their needs.

It feels good to look good, but it feels great to look good effortlessly!

The fashion industry is always on the move. It is one of the fastest evolving commercial ecosystems with a firm grip on the fabric of society. It is not a surprise to note how quickly fashion took to Technology. In the last decade, there has been a jaw-dropping growth in online shopping with the use of fashion Apps and websites.

In 2016, the fashion industry made around $2.4 trillion in revenue, of which around $0.7 billion was made through e-commerce. E-commerce purchase increased to $2.3 trillion in 2017. There is a fast-growing interest in fashion blogging, online fashion magazines and fashion influencers especially on Social media who have greatly affected the tone and direction of styles all over the world.

The online community of fashion is interested in much more than getting the right attire. It is now focusing on building relationships, friendships, followerships, mentorships and dreams.


Primpy is an online social and commerce platform that will give everyone in the fashion ecosystem “satisfaction”, riding on the wings of the latest technological innovation — Blockchain. It is a user-oriented platform made available as an application and also on the web.

Buying and selling here will be dynamic and convenient. The decentralised ecosystem is built to narrow down and target the right audience and potential clients for every product.

Users only see what they want to see and everyone gets the spotlight without chaos.

Its unique features include a database of shoppers and sellers from all over the world with multilingual, multicurrency and multinational support. It offers a new and exciting world of ease to discover, purchase, resell and learn about new items and fashion trends online.

At Primpy, everyone has a place; and are identified by their Profile.

The Shop (Dream-makers): A shop profile is mainly designed for people who have fashion products&services to sell. Fashion Designers, Tailors, Brand owners etc. can register as a Shop on this platform and upload items from their catalogues. They can easily spot their potential clients due to a technology that rides on preferences and matching interests. And with the customers’ permission, physical shop owners can access customers data as soon as Primpy customers walk in to enhance smooth and fast purchases.

The Influencer (Promoter): Everyone that has the ability to promote a product, and contribute actively to push a trend can register as an influencer. Models, Make-up artists, Stylists, Photographers, Online and offline sellers, Fashion bloggers, Fashion Journalists, Vloggers, and Writers etc. can offer services to shops.

The User (Consumer): Everyone can create a User Profile to join the community. At registration, a user will personalise profile page by including preferences for items (colours, styles) and a self-description with a profile picture. Every registered user will be able to search for items seamlessly and purchase conveniently.


Primpy was developed as a response to the problems that have risen in the Fashion world for retailers, influencers, consumers, online shopping sectors and Investors in Fashion.

VISIBILITY: The spotlight is on for everyone who has a product or service to offer in the Fashion world. Because of the technology that allows transparency and fairness, upcoming sellers would get noticed and easily connected to their potential customers without getting trampled by big retailers.

SEAMLESS SHOPPING: The consumer wants an easy way of shopping right. Either at home, pressing buttons or directly in a shop, the ability of the sellers to access customer’s preferences immediately will ensure smooth and quick delivery of service.

A consumer reserves the right to share these preferences to online or offline Shops.

SAFE PAYMENT: Transactions will be done with extra security whereby Primpy acts as a middleman (Escrow service) and a consumer’s payment is held secure until the transaction is completed successfully before the seller receives payment.

Note that transactions can be made in all type of currencies or with the Primpy In-platform Token.

WARDROBE ASSISTANCE: Everyone has had at least one moment of outfit anxiety where choosing between a red or blue tie, a wedge shoe or stilettos required a long pause and long deliberation. There are lots of style expert online, ready to assist with these choices. Personalised wardrobe allows stylists to give fashion advice. A consumer can build a wardrobe by automatically adding online items to personal wardrobe or manually adding pictures of already owned items.

BRIDGING THE GAP: There is a noticed disconnect between the producers and consumers of Fashion. Therefore, consumers are not only assured of a high-speed shopping experience, but they can also read lots of articles in Primpy Magazine and contribute to the discussion on the latest fashion trends.

  • Like every Social media platform, Primpy allows everyone to interact within a safe community with a ‘follow’ feature.
  • The Sellers get real-time feedback from the consumers and the cycle feels more inclusive.

INVESTMENT: The fashion world is one of the biggest ecosystems made by humans. Unfortunately, there is not enough funding, especially for starters. Investors are wary of projects, while Ideas are in dire need of funding. Primpy is a Blockchain engineered platform that creates a new digital economy that will encourage more Investors and allow more funding for brilliant start-ups. It offers a transparent platform that assures Identity verification.

FASHION ENTHUSIASTS: A lot of people have special interests in fashion and how the ecosystem thrives. E.g. A student of fashion who wants to write a paper on how fashion affects human psychology will find this beautiful platform quite useful and enlightening.

We offer more…

Loyalty Program

Shops can sign up for PRIMPY’s loyalty program whereby customers are rewarded with In-platform Tokens as a form of cash back return i.e. the Token can be exchanged with other currencies or used to make purchases on the Primpy platform or offline in retail shops.

Reward Program

A registered user can earn points by posting articles, mood boards, styling tips and photographs. Active usage is rewarded with Primpy In-platform Token.


This is a fashion magazine specially designed to cater for all ages and gender. It is integrated into the Primpy platform. Readers are already enjoying the interesting and enlightening posts on the latest fashion trends, news, events, innovations and tips on how to primp effortlessly. Its sections include Fashion tips, Health & Beauty, Lifestyle and a For Men Only.

You can follow Primpy magazine on Instagram and Facebook.

A Primper is one who is interested in Fashion at its best. And that is what we offer at Primpy! Join PRIMPY today and try our early BETA version.




Technically reinventing the experience of fashion — An open call for a simplified, sensible and tech-backed fashion marketplace.