Why is Having an M-Commerce Store Essential in the Fashion Industry?

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4 min readJul 30, 2019


Whether you’re texting a friend, making dinner reservations, buying tickets for a game, or ordering stuff online, smartphones are the most used personal devices in the world. This means that mobile commerce, or establishing an M-commerce store, can be critical to sales.

As such, it has a great impact on the fashion industry, as mobile sales are bringing in large chunks of cash. But what exactly makes it work and why is M-commerce so fruitful for the fashion industry? Here are some of the reasons why fashion and M-commerce go hand-in-hand.

Extending the Reach

The fashion industry is more than a few well-known labels like Tommy Hilfiger, Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and others. There are thousands of labels and freelance designers that constantly create amazing apparel and establish new fashion trends.

M-commerce allows all brands to have the same reach without having to invest heavily in advertising. Setting up a globally accessible mobile site to sell clothing and accessories is very simple. It barely requires technical abilities, which isn’t true just a few years ago, and it’s cheaper to maintain than brick and mortar stores.

Photo by Lauren Fleischmann on Unsplash

An M-Commerce Store Lets the Merchandise Speak for Itself

The heyday of TV ads is long gone. They’re costly and not easily measurable.

With M-commerce, a fashion label can establish credibility and trust with its target audience. And how this happens is so simple too. What does M-commerce entail? — Having a mobile-friendly website that showcases your products and supports mobile payment services.

This means that your work is always on display and people can judge the designs on their own. When people feel less pressured to buy something, they’re more likely to buy it.

And, it’s more important than ever to give consumers complete control of their actions. Especially in the fashion industry, where some items might not be affordable to everyone.

Interactive Shopping

Now let’s talk a bit about the experience. Going to a brick and mortar location to get fashionable clothing items and accessories isn’t always fun. Sometimes people have to compete with a frenzy of shoppers to find and buy the items they want.

Online shopping can be boring at times. But, with an M-commerce store, you can also implement interactive apps and website navigation features that guide the customer.

You can also offer all the necessary information, such as tips, trends, and suggestions. Helping the customer find exactly what they need is key. With a mobile-friendly website, you can offer suggestions 24/7, without having to rely on actual salespeople that may or may not be available at any given time.

Keeping People Apprised of Deals

Fashion products don’t have to cost a fortune. An m-commerce store has a pretty big section dedicated to discounts, promotions, and newsletters that drive more traffic.

If you have a loyal customer base, then you can use M-commerce to your advantage. Offering promotions is a sure way of boosting sales over a short period of time. And also a good way of getting rid of out-of-style apparel.

Don’t Forget About the Influencers

In a closely related field, smartphones accomplish another thing. They are an excellent journalism tool and indispensable to fashion critics and influencers.

As the new guard of fashion journalism makes blogging the rising authority in the field, it’s only natural to deduce that accepting M-commerce is almost mandatory. People that follow bloggers, YouTubers, and other online media personalities are more likely to become your customers if your brand has a strong online presence.

That’d Include a user-friendly M-commerce store that offers smooth loading times, impeccable navigation, and valuable information.

M-Commerce — It Keeps the Competition Interesting

Although M-commerce benefits customers too, those that have the most to gain are fashion designers and labels.

The market is no longer dominated by a handful of brands. That’s because M-commerce made it possible for less popular brands to get in front of everyday people.

An M-commerce store can give a fashion brand unprecedented exposure. You no longer have to bend over backward to get your designs into a brick and mortar store.

And, with the non-stop year-over-year growth of M-commerce and E-commerce, it’s time to bring your designs and business into the future.

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