First Aid for Grief

We’re all suffering collective loss during the pandemic. Here’s how to recognize the grief that results and first aid treatment to help.

Wendy Kiana Kelly
Wild & Precious


Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

The Collective Grief of Covid-19 Social Distancing

Grief is the experience of loss. Loss from death of a loved one, loss from the transformation from married person to single, loss from giving up an old way of life for a new one.

A large percentage of the world’s population is participating in social distancing. Many of us have travel restrictions imposed, for others, bars and restaurants have been closed. Schools have been closed, we are being asked not to see or get close to our friends. There are stories of loved ones dying alone in the hospital because of quarantine restrictions.

We are grieving. Whether we grieve our old routines, the loss of income, the loss of meaning that comes from work or the loss of a person who succumbed to Covid-19, we are grieving.

Grief Shows Up Uninvited — Welcome It

I think it’s fair to feel lots of feelings around this kind of grief. I know I struggle with feelings of guilt almost daily when I recognize that I am grieving a little and then wonder at how, in my…



Wendy Kiana Kelly
Wild & Precious

Dedicated to embracing the Underbelly — our own, society’s, the whole gamut. Homeschooled my four kids, studied MSc in mental health counseling.