Kabir Macdow
Our Voice
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2023


Learning New Languages Through “Positive Resonance”

By Kabir MacDow

I once heard a joke — “How do you recognise Americans? Answer: They only speak one language!”

Being an American raised in the 1950s and 60s, I can personally attest to the accuracy of this unfortunate statement, at least in my life. For example, I lived in Dubai for five years, yet learned only five words of Arabic; I lived in India for the same length of time but with the same sad results with Hindi, and the same for German in Austria and Italian in Italy. Yet, in surprising contrast, when faced with an Austrian residency requirement of passing a German Level I test within two weeks, I passed with flying colours! What did I do that made such a dramatic difference in my language learning ability?

Science demonstrates that the brain is affected, positively or negatively, by all frequencies and vibrations. You may have heard of experiments on a Chladni Plate covered with sand; the plate vibrates and forms a unique pattern for each sound frequency applied to it. A sound expert once shared with me that each of the over 6,000 languages of the world similarly possesses a unique vibratory frequency. Likewise, if we compare the human brain to a Chladni Plate, when a particular language (sound vibration) is being listened to, the brain is uniquely affected by that frequency.

Learning takes place most effectively when the given vibration of thought, instruction, and direct experience resonates and engages the brain positively.

An American friend of mine spoke six languages fluently. However, he once explained that learning foreign languages had been much more difficult throughout his life, until one day when he made a discovery that directly accelerated his learning. It happened when he was required to take a final Greek exam at university and was so far behind in his studies that he was about to fail. Then, he hit upon the idea of affirming, with absolute focus and certainty, “I am Greek!” The result was that after only one week of study with this focus on being Greek, he scored excellent marks on the final exam — much to his professor’s and peers’ amazement. Later, he continued learning several other languages, including Spanish, German, Italian, and Bengali.

What scientific principle might lie within this discovery?

Nikola Tesla once said, “If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Let’s take a moment to explore how one might apply this intriguing principle towards helping students learn.

The great challenge of education is not resolved by requiring the student to undertake hundreds, even thousands, of hours of high-intensity learning, as is practised in most schools globally. Instead, it has been proven that when a child finds a positive connection — a positive resonance — with a particular subject and instructor, he will be much more capable of learning and absorbing information quickly and deeply. Translated in terms of Tesla’s “energy, vibration, and frequency,” teaching is most effectively delivered when the teacher assists the child in becoming open and receptive to the frequency of the subject being studied, whether it be Greek, physics, or music, for example.

Applying this principle, a close friend and educator, Joseph Cornell, developed the concept of Flow Learning, through which a child’s brain and mind are awakened and focused, creating increased resonance with the given learning frequency.

The four steps of Flow Learning include:

  • Awaken Enthusiasm — Make learning fun, relevant, and full of energy.
  • Focus Attention — Help students direct their awakened enthusiasm towards being attentive and focused.
  • Offer direct experience — Make learning experiential.
  • Share inspiration — Create a sense of clarity and completion by inviting the children to share new insights and understanding through writing, speaking, or demonstration.

Joseph’s several books became international best-sellers, as he “tuned into” the vital concept of Flow Learning through being out in nature a great deal, through which his brain’s frequency became quieter and more receptive to this level of educational understanding.

How did I pass an A1 level German test in only two weeks? By applying my understanding of energy, frequency and vibration, learning German came relatively soon to me. I repeated, with focused conviction and enjoyment, “I am German!” I also read about the culture and country, identifying positively with it. In only one week, I had even reached the point where I spoke German in my dreams.

Thus, I passed the required language test in only two weeks — despite my being an American!

