The computer world

Ascend Voices
Our Voice
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2024

By Mark Buxo

While I was inspecting the malfunctioning hard drive I was suddenly sucked into it through a narrow tunnel and found myself accompanied by digital bugs and mites. At first, I was scared but then I was saved spared by the anti-virus police when they deleted all the bugs, errors, and mites. I could see the outside world through the screen on the laptop and my worried parents searching for me.

The computer world smelled like metal and tasted like steel. When I tried to talk, my voice came out as boops and beeps, I couldn’t understand what I was saying. Then the anti-virus police just left to go and patrol other parts of the computer world. Interestingly, they never responded to me. They were like robots. As I walked wandered through the NeoCity I saw came across some of my favorite games, but maybe if I died in the game I would die forever and not respawn. I decided not to test that.

I rounded a corner and was shocked to find a large crowd of “cyber people” watching a giant floating TV presenting a large shadowy figure. Questions flooded my brain at a million miles an hour. Who is was this?’ He must be important! Is Was he dangerous?

While I was walking through the crowd, I was suddenly pulled into an alley by a figure in a trench coat. Before I could say or do anything he put his hand on over my mouth. He was a cyber person too. His skin felt cold and hard. He tried to talk to me but I couldn’t understand his words. Then out of nowhere, he sprayed me with a light blue mist, and to my surprise, I could now understand what he was saying.

“Listen, I know you are confused but I need you to take this.” He handed me a technicolor key and continued, “This is the most important key in the computerized world cyber space, it can let you into provide access to the human world.” He continued with the warning that I should never, ever, ever, tell anyone here that I am human and never trust a single word that escapes the emperor’s lips.

Determined, I faced the Matrix Knight in a coliseum. Through luck, I unplugged him, revealing a portal to Level 2. Neon lights greeted me in this new city, where rebels, fearing the emperor, were ready to team up with me. Confronted by the mechanical giant, we evaded its fiery onslaught until I devised a plan involving coolant. As the mech froze, its pilot ejected, and we found ourselves sucked back to Level 1. Agrhhh!

Once more, we battled, this time atop clouds, seeking the portal to reality. The faceless emperor pursued us, but the rebels sacrificed themselves to buy time. With a final sprint, I leaped through the tunnel, back to my room. In a surreal moment, I watched the rebels vanquish the emperor on my computer screen. With a decisive click, I deleted him, restoring order. Rushing downstairs, I embraced my family, back in the warmth of my world.

