Real Life

The Wonderful World of Furries

What's your fursona?

Amber Blaize
Our Weird & Wonderful World
9 min readJun 11, 2020


Furries — you may also know them as “those people who think they’re animals and have a weird fetish for fur.”

If that is indeed what you have been lead to believe — Let me stop you right there.

They have gotten bad press in the media, by those who know nothing about their culture and don’t care to either.

After all, why let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Put simply, furries are fans in the same way we have LoTR fans, Star Trek fans, Star Wars fans, Harry Potter fans, cosplayers, re-enactment and living history groups, and LARPers. However, furries are different from other subcultures because it doesn’t follow specific media, like Star Trek for example.

Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

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Amber Blaize
Our Weird & Wonderful World

40 something, trying to navigate her way through life & convince everyone (and herself) that she actually knows what she is doing….