SPARQ Verified Profiles

SPARQ ratings could be the difference in where you get recruited…Hudl knows it’s that important.

Ced Funches
Recent Work
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2013


Collection of my research, assumptions, and problem solving design for Hudl. If we can fully understand the struggles of our audience, we can create a better foundation for our product.

At Hudl, we have a unique opportunity to partner with some great companies. Nike happens to potentially be one of them via their relationship with SPARQ. The objective of teaming with a company like that is to leverage our platform to broaden the student-athlete education around the benefits of proper training.

Educating Hudl Athletes

The biggest benefit to having access to over 1M high school athletes is that Hudl can play a huge role in helping educate them on best practices to be successful now and in the future. Your speed grade can be the difference in going D I or D II. Recruiters can even look for that as a factor in reviewing tape on a WR.

Wow. I didn't know that….wait, what the heck is SPARQ?

What are SPARQ Ratings

The SPARQ Rating is a sport-specific assessment of athleticism. SPARQ has test protocols for six sports — football, boys’ soccer, girls’ soccer, baseball, fastpitch, boys’ basketball and girls’ basketball, as well as a test for general athleticism.

The tests are designed to test the skills and athleticism demanded by each sport.Some famous athletes who have recorded SPARQ Ratings are:

Mike Mitchell holds the national record SPARQ Rating. He set it with a score of 154.47. He committed to Ohio State University

The Design Problem:

SPARQ ratings within Hudl profiles need to have more onboarding, education and real estate to convey their ultimate value.

Problem: SPARQ data needed to be presented in an informative way to alert recruiters of an athlete’s official ratings

Over the next few months I will share the journey we take at Hudl into solving this problem for our athletes.

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Ced Funches
Ced Funches

Written by Ced Funches

Design Coach & Principal Designer. Earnest Minnesota dad, just trying to be helpful.