Alice Bethan Thomas
Our World Matters
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018


We are Alice and Phil. We got married on the 6th October 2018, and have just moved into our first flat together.

We’re not rich, or influential, or particularly important. But we are passionate. We’re passionate about God’s love, and cats, and stories, and the future.

And we’re worried about the future of our planet.

This world belongs to everyone, and every single one of our actions and our choices matter.

They create ripples that touch other people. And just think how wonderful our world would be if we made sure all of these ripples were for good instead of harm.

Photo Credit: Kate Emma Photography

This blog is our attempt at seeking remedies, both big and small. As we move in together, and let our two separate lives collide, we will be carefully weighing up our lifestyle choices and the changes we can make for the better. We don’t want anything we choose to do to harm our planet or the people who live on it. All of our successes and struggles will be recorded here.

At the same time, we will be seeking to campaign for bigger changes from our government and from companies and organisations that many people buy from. Consumerism has had such a devastating effect on the environment and on so many individual lives, and big businesses making big changes will be an essential part of fixing this damage.

We also want to highlight the positive ripples that are already happening around the world, and the changes that are already beginning to heal what has been broken.

We hope our blog will inspire you to examine your own choices and to challenge the services you use to do better too, for the people who work for them, for the people who benefit from them and for the planet.

Our world matters. Do you care?


