Stepping Off the Hedonic Treadmill and Into a Better Future

To actualize our hopes for a fulfilling future, we have to pursue meaningful values and stop running from pain

Athena Milios
Our World Tomorrow
Published in
7 min readJul 18, 2022


Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash

The Paradox of Progress

We live in an interesting time in that, materially, things are arguably better than they have ever been before, yet we all seem to be losing our minds thinking the world is one giant toilet bowl about to be flushed. An irrational sense of hopelessness is spreading across the rich, developed world. It’s a paradox of progress: the better things get, the more anxious and desperate we all seem to feel. — Mark Manson

As the living conditions on earth continue to improve, we have in our hands more technology, material possessions, leisure opportunities, and choices of all kinds than ever before. Yet, we also find ourselves struggling with more stress, regret, and rumination than ever before. It is becoming increasingly evident that a privileged, sheltered life isn’t a ticket to happiness or mental wellness — on the contrary, a life of abundance can leave us feeling more insecure and anxious, stewing in self-absorbed rumination.

The same paradoxical effect happens when we try to fight against pain and the negative thoughts and emotions caused by it. The…



Athena Milios
Our World Tomorrow

Greek-Canadian, clinical pharmacist with a master's in psychiatry. I love writing stories and poems around mental health to exercise my creative bone!