Global Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production (Closing the loop)

Jacques Achille
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

#myNorm: Conscious Capitalism — Can businesses empower us to produce more value for everyone?

Conscious Capitalism closes the loop — Typical capitalism is a straight line. Companies consume resources, produce a product for people, and produce profit for themselves. Businesses that adopt Conscious Capitalism understand that it’s responsible to use a portion of their profit to replenish the resources needed for their success.

The way we interact with businesses suggests that brands are producers and people are consumers. As I was thinking more about this goal, it made me realize how important it is to recognize the consumption and production that takes place on both sides of every transaction.

  • Businesses are also consumers — Whether it’s electricity, water, or people’s time…businesses consume a lot of precious resources in order to produce what they offer us. Therefore, any business owner can think of conscious capitalism as an investment in future business rather than giving away hard earned money to charity.
  • People are are also producers — Even though brands technically create the products we use everyday, they do so in response to what (they believe) we want. With that in mind, we can all feel empowered knowing we have the buying power to influence businesses to become more responsible.

With normConnect, we aim to encourage every brand to adopt conscious capitalism so every person can have a positive impact simply by using their favorite products/services.

Global Goal 12— Responsible Consumption & Production: #whatsYourNorm?

My perspective of why I think more businesses should adopt conscious capitalism to help achieve this goal. (Global Goal 12 was developed as a part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We centered norm around these goals after reading Issue 05 of CONSCIOUS Magazine)



Jacques Achille
Editor for

Self taught designer and developer. Dreaming of becoming a cartoonist. co-founder & ceo of norm, inc. #whatsYourNorm? (