You’re Living in Humanity’s Dream

Your mind creates this reality.

2 min readOct 14, 2019


“All that you see which is human work on this planet, first found expression in the mind, then got manifested in the outside world” — Sadhguru

The clothes you’re wearing, the phone in your hand, the letters and words that you’re reading right now — each started out as an idea in someone’s mind, and through conscious action, were brought into the world for you to interact with. Every second of the day, you’re interacting with the physical manifestations of humanity’s imagination. It’s like you’re living in an interactive dream. Bonkers.

Like we said in our last post, we want every person to share their vision of an ideal future to help humanity align its mind towards what it really wants. The goal is that humanity develops a comprehensive expression for a preferred reality that can be manifested into the outside world.

As every person shares their vision of an ideal future, we want to keep one theme going to tie everyone’s perspectives together. We wanna put this out there…and if you like it, you can take it, and if you don’t…send it right back.

Humanity is a larger version of a human.

Wait. Do us a favor and silence your inner critic for a second. Here are a few concepts we want to throw out there for you to think about. Humanity is a larger version of a human; each person is a cell of humanity; organizations and industries are the tissues and organs that carry out vital functions for humanity; the relation of industries create the various systems (circulatory, digestive, nervous, etc.) of humanity…

We’ll revisit the idea of humanity being a larger version of a human again and again. We just wanted to plant the seed in the hopes that you start to recognize the idea as you go about your day to day life.

That’s all we’ve got for now, but we’ll keep sharing quotes from this speech to explore how the concepts can be applied to nOrm and humanity’s growth.

More importantly, if you didn’t catch the Anchorman reference in this…we’re not mad, we’re just disappointed.

— nOrma(n)

yournOrm + mynOrm = ournOrm.


If you’re interested in joining this project to define humanity’s future, you can become a ghostwriter for nOrma(n) to inspire people to rediscover their creativity and transform how we view our reality, email

