20 Questions w/ Nadira Ramautarsing — OuroX CMO

The OuroX Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

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What’s your favorite movie?

Lord of the Rings trilogy.

What’s something you like to do when you’re not working?


What’s your favorite thing about OuroX so far?

The value we can and will add to so many people’s lives.

How did you meet the team?

Went to high school with Maya (and Zeenat).

Are you a foodie? What’s your fav?

The biggest! Can’t choose though…

How do you stay on top of your game?

Regular workouts to keep me sane; reading/watching/listening to inspirational/motivational content.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

Does stretching count? :-)

What’s something you’re proud of?

I adapt to situations and people very quickly, and learn very fast, making me flexible with regards to pretty much everything in life.

Who’s your greatest influence?

Difficult to choose…If I have to: my awesome Dad!

What’s your favorite app? Why?

Haha…Instagram. It started out as a hobby, then it became lucrative (and a little bit of an addiction).

Who’s your favorite recording artist? Why?

If I really have to choose…Michael Jackson. Because MICHAEL JACKSON!

What’s something very few people know about you?

I’m actually an introvert and not the biggest fan of people. Good thing only a few know…oh, oops :-)

How were you called to your profession/career?

For OuroX — Maya called. She asked me to join her other business before, but I wasn’t ready. Then she presented OuroX and I knew I would regret not joining the team. When I was 8, I wanted to become the first female president of Suriname. By now, I’ve given up my political ambitions, but I do still want to make a change for the better on a large scale. With OuroX that’s exactly what we’ll do.

How do you handle stress?

Breathing in and out deeply — on a regular basis, haha…and Boxing (imagining the source of the stress on the boxing bag). Best. Therapy. Ever.

What’s your favorite memory from 2018?

Being able to share my knowledge as a keynote speaker at the Social Media Conference in Suriname.

What is most exciting about the future of OuroX?

The difference we’re going to make, literally changing millions of lives for the better. It’s very fulfilling knowing we can bring this incredible value/ quality of life to the region that we come from.

How do you motivate yourself?

Daily visualization (eyes on the ‘’prize’’) and mirroring those I look up to (watching videos/documentaries, reading, daily quotes — and then acting upon the knowledge gained).

Where in the world do you live? And what do you love most about it?

The Netherlands, Europe. The freedom and potential to be able to reach any goal if you work hard enough.

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled? And why?

I fell in love with Italy. The diversity of the country. The culture, food and amazing sights.

Where can people connect with you?

Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Telegram are best. And don’t forget to visit our StartEngine page!

Thanks Nadira, this has been fun.

No, thank you!



The OuroX Blog

Changing the way people interact financially starting with the Caribbean and Latin America