20 Questions with Gian Baldew — OuroX Co-Founder, VPBD

The OuroX Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2019

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What’s your favorite movie?

Forrest Gump.

What’s something you like to do when you’re not working?

Video games, action sports, videography, playing cards, and learning new skills.

What’s something very few people know about you?

I sometimes have issues with anxiety.

What’s your favorite thing about OuroX so far?

The company’s potential.

How did you meet the team?

I met most of the team members via the CEO.

Are you a foodie? What’s your fav?

Yes. Currently poké.

How do you stay on top of your game?

Reading, and watching documentaries.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

Lotus position.

What’s something you’re proud of?

Problem-solving skills.

Who’s your greatest influence?


What’s your favorite app? Why?

Photoshop, you can use this program to do a lot of creative work

Who’s your favorite recording artist? Why?

Drake, he constantly produces hit songs.

What’s something (else) very few people know about you?

No comment.

How were you called to your profession/career?

It kinda just happened, because I was interested in finance and the tech surrounding it.

How do you handle stress?

Pretty well.

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What’s your favorite memory from 2018?

Visiting Bali.

What is most exciting about the future of OuroX?

The countries that will benefit from our services.

How do you motivate yourself?

Just listen to trap music, haha.

Where in the world do you live? And what do you love most about it?

Suriname, most of my family still lives here. Home is a feeling not a place.

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled? And why?

Singapore, the food there is amazing.

Where can people connect with you?

LinkedIn, Instagram.



The OuroX Blog

Changing the way people interact financially starting with the Caribbean and Latin America