20 Questions with Maya Parbhoe — OuroX CEO

The OuroX Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2019

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What’s your favorite movie?

Too many to name. Next question.

What’s something you like to do when you’re not working?

Read. I read a lot.

What’s something very few people know about you?

I like my quiet time.

What’s your favorite thing about OuroX so far?

The team. And the hurdles we’ll climb together.

How did you meet the team?

Some in grade school, some in high school. Others through my first business. I keep an eye out for talent. It’s just who I am.

Are you a foodie? What’s your fav?

I’m definitely a foodie. I love curry duck. I probably have curry in my veins.

How do you stay on top of your game?

Reading. Staying in touch with my team. More reading. I just do.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

I haven’t found it yet.

What’s something you’re proud of?

OuroX. I’m proud of my previous business accomplishments, but this can really make a difference on a whole new scale. I’m proud of the team. We’ve all worked long and hard. I tell them, but you can’t say that kind of thing enough.

Who’s your greatest influence?

Visionaries. Like, Elon Musk. Greatest? That’s hard to say.

What’s your favorite app? Why?

Google, overall integration and cross functionality.

Who’s your favorite recording artist? Why?

Adam Levine, Maroon 5 — “She Will Be Loved”

What’s something else very few people know about you?

I actually hate networking, but it’s an essential part of running a business. So I do it nonetheless.

How were you called to your profession/career?

Fate, destiny, call it whatever, I was born for this. From a young age I would read about Wall Street and publicly traded companies.

How do you handle stress?

I give myself a day. One day to vent, to be sad, to be angry, to be upset. Then I get up the next day and get back to kicking ass.

What’s your favorite memory from 2018?

Bali in between conferences.

What is most exciting about the future of OuroX?

Becoming a licensed securities exchange!

How do you motivate yourself?

I watch a movie that motivates me.

Where in the world do you live? And what do you love most about it?

Suriname. The people, the community, the weather and the food!

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled? And why?

Lembongan, off the coast of Bali. Beautiful beaches and friendly people.

Where can people connect with you?

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram are all good. We’ll be at some LatAm events this year.

Thank you Maya, this has been fun.

Sure. Yes. Thank you.



The OuroX Blog

Changing the way people interact financially starting with the Caribbean and Latin America