20 Questions with Serge Tjin Wong Joe — OuroX President of Business Development

The OuroX Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2019

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What’s your favorite movie?

Star Wars saga.

What’s something you like to do when you’re not working?

Cars (driving/modding/drooling over), and Practical Shooting (IPSC/USPSA).

What’s something very few people know about you?

I’m a Lupus survivor (and in the minority, as a male Lupus patient).

What’s your favorite thing about OuroX so far?

Our quick, flexible, dynamic nature, and savvy campaigning.

How did you meet the team?

CEO Maya and I met while shooting in international competition (Maya is a former Caribbean champ by the way, and I am the local president and regional director for the sport of practical shooting).

Are you a foodie? What’s your fav?

Yes! Sushi.

How do you stay on top of your game?

Lots and lots of reading..financial, fintech, engineering, staying on top of latest developments in each field.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

Horizontal, preferably while sleeping.

What’s something you’re proud of?

Having a thriving group of companies (Icarus Systems Group, OuroX), all doing cutting edge stuff in their respective fields.

Who’s your greatest influence?

My dad (engineering) and my uncle Jules (banking/finance).

What’s your favorite app? Why?

Instagram…for my daily fix of hot cars and cute women…that’s not too un-PC isn’t it?

Who’s your favorite recording artist? Why?

Prince. The man could write and perform every genre and play every instrument as well, unbelievable. Got to see him live once, awesome.

What’s something (else) very few people know about you?

I have a flaming short temper….but I hide it quite well 95% of the time….

How were you called to your profession/career?

My dad, a civil engineer, and my uncle Jules, a banker and all-around businessman, shaped and developed my interests and later skillset.

How do you handle stress?

My mind gets creative and sharp under stress. I will usually be on top of a problem within a few days after the initial jolt of panic or adversity.

What’s your favorite memory from 2018?

My son’s first birthday.

What is most exciting about the future of OuroX?

Traveling a lot. We will be doing business in lots of countries around the globe.

How do you motivate yourself?

I have a need to win at whatever I’m doing. Not to show off, just for myself. You could say I need very little external motivation or stimulus.

Where in the world do you live? And what do you love most about it?

I live in Suriname, South America. It’s by and large peaceful, quiet, beautiful, and has a huge underdeveloped economic potential. If you really want to experience cultural diversity, you need to visit our little neck of the woods.

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled? And why?

I like Vegas, I’m not gonna lie, I really do. It’s unapologetically over the top, and doesn’t try to come off as anything else. Entertainment in a supersized serving, and it’s totally honest about that.

Practical Shooter

Where can people connect with you?

LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, that’s it.

Thanks Serge, this has been great!

Oh sure. Any time.



The OuroX Blog

Changing the way people interact financially starting with the Caribbean and Latin America