Share First — How to Start Sharing What’s in Stock to Help Your Neighbors

Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2020

OurStreets helps people share what’s in stock. What do you do when you’re the first one sharing?

OurStreets is a community-driven data platform that helps you share what’s available at stores in your neighborhood. When you share with OurStreets, you provide a helping hand to people in your neighborhood searching for essential supplies.

OurStreets users have shared what’s available in their neighborhood more than 15,000 times across the country, from supermarkets in Hawaii to corner stores in Maine. So what do you do if there are not many OurStreets reports in your area?

OurStreets users have started sharing what’s in stock in cities like San Jose and Los Angeles, CA

All it takes is a little momentum

Help your neighbors out and make the first report! You’ll get things started in your community. You can make things happen by telling your friends and family about OurStreets.

We’ve come up with some easy ways that you can use to let others know about how you’re using OurStreets to help make your neighborhood safer and healthier.

  1. Share this video about OurStreets.
  2. Use the OurStreets Supplies map to help family members across town or out of state plan their shopping trips.
  3. Connect with your neighbors. Nextdoor or other neighborhood listservs are another way to build relationships with your neighbors. Introducing OurStreets to your neighborhood is much easier to use than tracking down items through email chains and message boards.

All it takes is a few people sharing their finds to get the momentum going. Then people find what they need, and pay it forward by sharing what they find during their next essential shopping trip.

Sharing with OurStreets is one small thing you can do to make things a little easier for the others around you. You can feel good knowing you’ve made a difference.

Shopping Main Street with OurStreets

OurStreets users already crowdsource the availability of supplies in stores across the country. If you have a favorite local store you support, let those store owners know about OurStreets!

OurStreets bridges the gap between main street retailers and customers, so shoppers save time and business owners guarantee accurate information about what is available in their store at any moment.

We’re is also working directly with small business owners and other retailers to share accurate information with customers directly in the OurStreets app. OurStreets offers a host of solutions, from self-service app updates with regular reminders, to full integration with existing inventory software

If you are or know a small business owner or retailer, reach out to learn more about how you can reach customers.

Every week, we’re adding new features that make sharing with OurStreets easy, no matter where you live. Sharing what’s in stock is one simple thing you can do regularly to help out your neighbors.

Help people find what they need by sharing what’s in stock with OurStreets. Download OurStreets from the App Store or Google Play and start sharing today!




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