ourTell: An Analogy

A simplified version of why we are good at what we do…

2 min readMar 20, 2018


We thought a good idea would be to give everybody an explanation of what we do and why it actually works. The best way we knew how to do this was through a simple analogy.

In fact, we’re going to use an analogy that happened to actually play out in real life…but more on that in a bit.

We know that traditional financial markets are largely driven by public opinion and sentiment. This is true tenfold for cryptocurrency markets.

This also happens to be the case fora democratic vote or election. Where public sentiment is ultimately what leads to the outcome. Essentially, if you are able to understand the raw opinion and sentiment from people, you will be able to accurately determine the results of the vote.

If this is the actual case, why is it that so often we see polls being completely the opposite of the final outcome? Why did polls predict a majority “remain” for Brexit? Why did polls predict Hilary Clinton becoming president?

Again, the problem is polls don’t rely on real sentiment. We need to look for, genuine and unsolicited opinions which is exactly what we find in social media. At the end of the day’s facts don’t matter, what matters is how people perceive them. There is a lot of content shared on social media based on emotion and not fact and that shifts others opinions and sways the result. We know that perfect information is not out there in situations like this, so why do we judge it as if it is? Or why do we keep assuming people are 100% rational?

To further prove that this is actually the way elections and votes work, this happened in real life. A phenomenal company called BrandsEye (who we take a lot of inspiration from) successfully predicted both Brexit and Trump becoming president through sentiment analysis and opinion mining.

We endeavor to do the same in the cryptocurrency hemisphere through our prediction platform.

Head over to our website and be sure to download our whitepaper if you would like to get some more information on how we make predictions and what parameters are considered.

If you would like more information on anything we would love to hear from you. Please contact an admin on Telegram or send us an email.

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