So, what’s ourTell?

Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2018

Next generation iterative and decentralised sentiment analysis for optimal cryptocurrency trading

Wait, what?

There’s a lot of jargon and big words thrown around in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Most of it means a whole lot of nothing (but it sounds smart right?). We’re here to trim the excess fat and get down to the core of what people are trying to say and we prefer to have things explained to us as if explained to a golden retriever.

We provide extensive and multifaceted cryptocurrency analysis. Posts and messages from regular interactions on social media channels and groups are minded and analysed by hundreds of certified sentiment analysts in an optimised environment. Results are fed into an iterative machine learning model which encapsulates historical data from sentiment analysis, market trends, factors and outcomes.

Our approach to Sentiment Analysis

The cryptocurrency market is driven strongly by hype and public sentiment. This includes a huge number of factors including influencers, FUD and shilling. We don’t see anything wrong with this.

Markets have always been driven by public perception.

However, we know that there is a lot of noise to filter through and keeping track of what everyone is saying in every Telegram group is a full-time job. Not to mention the inefficiencies and difficulty of keep track of historical data.

There has to be a better way than staring at Telegram all day

We thought about dumping all the messages on Telegram through a machine learning algorithm. However, to say some things get lost in translation is an understatement. We’ll talk about this in detail in our next post 🤔.

Our next thought was to have external parties and reviewers vote on their outcome for the market and predict sentiment like that. However, that leaves way too much room for bias and uninformed guesses just for the sake of it. In fact, that’s not even what we are after. We are looking for the real sentiment of people and this is only found when people are unsolicited and genuine (the interaction would occur without us present).

We approached this by having real sentiment analysts who have been certified and examined by use sift through and analyze thousands of Telegram messages and determine their sentiment.

Yeah, that’s right. Real humans.

Sometimes computers need a helping hand to work out what we are really saying

Messages come from project cryptocurrency groups, ICO groups, cryptocurrency trade groups, etc. We leave no stone unturned. All messages are reviewed by multiple people and to ensure we have the right result. Admittedly, this is quite a tedious process, but, we are constantly improving the efficiency and optimising to make this process smoother.

We have already improved review time by 320% since our initial MVP.

What about your ML/AI?

Our sentiment data is iteratively added to our machine learning model which continues to further understand what messages mean and derive the real sentiment from them as our analysts do. The model determines the impact of that sentiment given all factors. Our machine learning models take in thousands of data sources and data points to create the most complete learning model possible. Here are a few data points we make use of (less than 1% of total factors used for predictions):

  • Market Conditions (Bear/Bull)
  • Historical Conditions
  • Trending ICO types (Blockchain, Payments, AI, etc)
  • Historical ICO type performance
  • Product State
  • Extensive Telegram message sentiment analysis
  • Telegram group growth rate
  • Telegram group growth curve
  • Telegram group growth authenticity (bots/bought accounts)
  • Telegram group growth rate
  • Telegram responsiveness
  • Influencers sentiment
  • Media coverage
  • Competitor performance
  • Token Metrics
  • Sale Structure

Ok, cool. Then what?

This is where we start the magic. Our Artificial Intelligence takes everything we have discussed and makes the most complete prediction possible on market outcomes. We’re excited to open the platform up to you all and will be sharing more details about our token sale soon!

Head over to our website and be sure to download our whitepaper if you would like to get some more information on how we make predictions and what parameters are considered.

If you would like more information on anything we would love to hear from you. Please contact an admin on Telegram or send us an email.

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Next generation iterative sentiment analysis for optimal cryptocurrency trading