Why did Credits moon?

Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018

Taking the complete analytical look

It’s not as mysterious as it seems…

Curious as to why CREDITS did so well in this bear market?

Our model predicted this, but why exactly was that? Let’s take a deeper look. Check out our analysis below on the market outcomes of CREDITS(CS).

CREDITS fell under the radar fofr most ICO investors. While there was always a positive sentiment there was seemingly not much traction in Telegram groups and many dismissed the ICO claiming that their social media size were bought and inorganic.

Our Prediction Platform factors in growth patterns with correlation to events, trends and historical outcomes and tracks those with the user quality in the groups.

CREDITS Telegram group size December 2017

Let’s talk about growth

Our Bot Detection Tool determined that there were 94% authentic users in the CREDITS Telegram group, which is well within the standard deviation in comparison to other cryptocurrency groups. So, that ruled out bought users and faking growth.

If you look at the graph above we can see very healthy and steady growth from December. The graph has a strong correlation to previous projects which performed similarly as well.

So, what was that big drop off around 16/02?

CREDITS had their public token sale on 18/02. Typically, longer running Telegram groups shed a lot of users right before a sale. When analyzing this further we have found those users to have joined the group many months ago and our explanation is that they have likely either forgotten about the ICO or have waited right up until before the ICO to decide whether to contribute or not. High activity from admins around this time often brings the group to the top of the user’s thoughts and prompt action.

This drop is slightly larger than what our model predicted but is not highly unusual.

Ok, ok, you’re making sense. Now, why pump?🤔

The answer is actually quite a layered one. But, the catalyst of it all…is Superman.

Wait, we mean Suppoman.

That’s right. We’ve spoken before about how driven currencies are by hype, speculation and influencers. CREDITS is no different.

As you can see on by the dates of these videos and posts, Suppoman started discussing CREDITS right before it’s release and it correlates directly with its spike in Telegram growth.

Suppoman is one of the most influential people in the cryptocurrency space, so naturally, a positive review from him nestled with CREDITS already large organic reach and sentiment causes a huge amount of interest (or in other words — FOMO). This was also done right before tokens were transferable adding extra urgency.

78% of users who joined the Telegram group after 04/03 were previously in the group.

This shows us a clear indication that old users had their interest spiked again at the 11th hour. This huge increase in demand after the supply had already been fixed (i.e. the tokens sold during the crowdsale) caused a clear spike in the price that has since sustained itself.

Not such a mystery after all, but we found it quite interesting putting the numbers together and how clearly it laid out the puzzle for us😁

We’ll be releasing a blog post soon which ranks the top 3 cryptocurrency influencers based on our data and the actual measurable impact they have. Stay tuned for that!

Head over to our website and be sure to download our whitepaper if you would like to get some more information on how we make predictions and what parameters are considered.

If you would like more information on anything we would love to hear from you. Please contact an admin on Telegram or send us an email.

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