Perfect Timing

Going with the flow when you get derailed by life

Cami Baker Miller


Author’s own image

I have this map that my old coach drew for me. It had three points on it — Point A was where I had come from. All the past stuff I had worked on up to this point. And Point C is where I intend to go — my big hairy audacious goal.

Here’s the thing: I feel like I’ve been stuck at point B on the map— rest and reflect — for a very long time now.

Just recently, I started feeling ready to move back into high gear:

I started practicing real estate again, I started stepping up my pace when I went out to walk, I got a job as a fast paced event coordinator. I liked the structure and pace these things added to my day. I felt good. I was thinking less, doing more, losing the weight I gained while so slowly meandering through life.

And then just as quickly as it started, it all ground to a halt once again. Just as a year-long dance with cancer had me sheltering in place last year, COVID-19 has turned me into a recluse once again.

I railed against the injustice of it. I suffered and cursed and got sad and mad and unpleasant. I got anxious. I woke up in a cold sweat, worried about not just me getting sick and dying but my babies being unprotected. I felt unsettled. I didn’t know how to feel better.



Cami Baker Miller

Artist. Writer. Cancer Thriver. Prolific F-Bomb Dropper. Joy Seeker. Love Activist. Epic Encourager.