Free Ticket to Nowhere: Chapter 5

A Stark Mystery

John K Adams
Out of Ideas, Out of Time


Photo by Troy T on Unsplash

The farmer dropped me at the Ramada. Driving off, he waved while munching a slice of pizza he purloined from that last delivery.

It was windy but I couldn’t face the bustling crowd yet.

When I need time to think, I usually walk. But with the wind buffeting my perfect hair, I opted for a ride.

I hopped into an Uber waiting by the curb. A sticker on its rear bumper read, ‘Want a peek o’ Topeka? Ask me how.’ It started moving before I got the door closed.

At first, I thought it was a self-driving car. But a voice from the driver’s seat said, “Please don’t get pepperoni grease on my upholstery.”

I peeked over the driver’s seat to see a little man, eating sunflower seeds as he steered with one hand. He was about the size of a munchkin and dressed like one too.

He turned to me and said, “God, these are good. Want some?”

His voice sounded like he was mainlining helium.


“Don’t call me that, man. I’m trying to fit in.”

“I’m Stark… uhm, Dusty. What do you go by?”

“In Kansas, I’m Fred. Where to?”



John K Adams
Out of Ideas, Out of Time

I write to see memory and language wrestle with reality. Please comment.