Out of Ideas, Out of Time: Chapter 6

A collaborative story

John K Adams
Out of Ideas, Out of Time



Out of Ideas, Out of Time

I was getting into this deeper than a French fry in a vat of hot oil. I had to make some choices.

I felt no need to look down the wrong end of that pistol again. Besides, if I spent my time chasing after that lug, who knew down what blind alleys I’d find myself?

On the other hand, he had her notebook. I owed it to her to retrieve that, if nothing else.

And he might know better than I did, where to find this Fayeth chick.

The most important thing though, was where to find some Pepto Bismol? I couldn’t afford to be on the road with my guts stirring like a pot of slumgullion.

While I looked for a pharmacy, I couldn’t stop thinking about that cute picture of K. Fayeth. It wasn’t clear, but were those red earrings, festooning the lobes beneath her luscious curls? Maybe they were a clue. Being red, they couldn’t be turquoise, but that didn’t rule out her cabin being near Four Corners at some time. Sedona is nice this time of year. Maybe her cabin is near there. I love the high desert.

But then it occurred to me, Sedona is in the wrong state. I need to find her in New Mexico, not Arizona! That’s the trouble with those western states, on the map, they…



John K Adams
Out of Ideas, Out of Time

I write to see memory and language wrestle with reality. Please comment.