My Slightly Less Big Fat Obese Story — 2017

My Road To 100 is over, but what’s next? A new goal, and a 100lb donation.

Tom Almond
Out of Obesity
4 min readDec 28, 2017


I started my weight loss journey in April this year, and recently published “My Big Fat Obese Story”, a 3 piece blog documenting my struggle with obesity.

It’s now the final week of December, and I’m very proud to say that today I’m celebrating the milestone of losing 100lbs (7 stone) in weight.

It has been a whirlwind year of massive transformation, learning about myself, learning a lot about nutrition and my own body — this has been the most important year of my life, it’s so overwhelming just thinking about it.

It’s not just my weight that’s changed, because to lose the weight my mentality changed completely. I’m now more patient, more determined and more disciplined than ever before. I feel like a different person now, a better person. It’s incredibly humbling.

My confidence increases every day and I love that. I love that I can sense people gravitating towards me more, because I’m more open both physically and mentally. My body language has changed. Honestly, it’s everything.

Thank You’s

First of all I have to say thank you to everyone who commented, liked, shared, messaged or complimented me. That stuff props you up when you’re feeling down, and it helped me so much!

Thank you to Ashleigh Hopkins, Tasha Evans and Sophie Herbert, surely you must be bored of liking and commenting on my posts by now, but thank you for doing it anyway haha.

Thank you to all the staff at Sports Direct Fitness in Formby for always being so happy, welcoming, positive and encouraging.

Thanks to Joe Wicks for showing me support and encouragement regardless of how much money I put in your pocket (not a lot!), and thank you for showing people every day that this doesn’t have to be so hard.

Special Thank You’s

Ray — For being an inspiration and great support, and for encouraging me with your displine and determination. 💪

Sandra — The spark that lit the flame, thank you for making me realise that just wanting it wasn’t enough! 🔥

Sarah & Ashleigh — For being constant cheerleaders and showing constant support. Not just on this journey, but in everything I do, no matter how crazy — I love you both! ❤️

Lose 100lbs, Donate 100lbs

To celebrate losing 100lbs in 2017, I’m donating 100lbs in dog food to Merseyside Dogs Home.

Anybody who knows me knows I love dogs, and Merseyside Dogs Home do incredible work rehabilitating and rehoming hundreds of abandoned dogs every year.

I’ve always wanted to get involved with Merseyside Dogs Home and now feels like a better time than any to start. A lot of these dogs will come to the home malnourished, so whilst I’ve lost 100lbs — they could probably do with gaining a few. I hope my donation will go some way to helping their dogs in 2018; and look forward to finding out what other ways I can get involved with this great charity in the future!

What’s Next?

To lose 7 stone in 8 months has been an extraordinary journey of self discovery. I never thought I’d get here, but I’m so happy to have completed this goal — and I can now walk into 2018 100lbs lighter — ready to take on the next part of this challenge.

My next challenge is to reach a weight that other people on this journey will probably know of, which is Onederland.

When dieters go from weighing two or three hundred pounds down to 199 or less , they have reached Onederland.

I actually don’t have so far to go to hit this goal, so I’m so excited to start this next phase of my journey!

Thank you for reading, and Merry Christmas! If you have any questions or would like to get in touch you can contact me on Messenger or Twitter, or you can follow me on Instagram.

Do you have any resolutions for 2018? Lemme hear em!



Tom Almond
Out of Obesity

My long form thoughts live here. 👨🏻‍💻 UX Designer • 💚 150lbs Lighter