Working hard on wasting less

Meet people like Bettina Grab at Work Club

Kyle Ladewig
Out Of Office Inc
4 min readJan 22, 2020


Bettina Grab is on a mission to save the planet, and not just on the weekends — she’s made a full-time career out of inspiring others to lead a zero waste life. Originally from Germany, she now lives in Fremont with her husband Simon, and has been joining Work Clubs all over the Bay Area.

You can ask her about eco-friendly products, the best markets and shops in the East Bay, or what it’s like living in the English countryside (in Shakespeare’s hometown!).

We asked Bettina to share a little about her career, her daily routine, and her Work Club experience.

Hi Bettina! What are you working on?

I’m an eco blogger and marketing consultant for sustainable brands. I left a corporate job as a Marketing Director to focus on my passion: saving our planet. I now split time between my blog about zero waste living ( and helping cleantech start-ups be more successful with my marketing agency ImpactB2B (

Can you explain zero waste for those of us who aren’t familiar?

Actual “zero” waste is really hard to achieve in our society. So I tell people it’s more about having a mindset: to reduce overall consumption and seek out less wasteful alternatives wherever possible. I was turned onto the movement while living in the UK, when I discovered an article by Kate Arnell, an eco influencer there.

How has your job flexibility impacted your life?

I’m my own boss, so my job is 100% flexible. It’s been life-changing in positive ways — like having better work-life-balance and time to enjoy the outdoors — but it’s also been challenging to have less structure in my day. You have to be very disciplined!

What’s been your biggest challenge so far?

I’m an extrovert, so I need external input and inspiration to be creative. I get bored when I’m on my own for too long. That’s when distractions creep in and keep me from focusing on my work. It can get lonely, so I try to break up my days with sports, video calls…or attending Work Club!

What motivated you to join Work Club?

I just recently moved to California from the UK, so it seemed like a nice way to get out of the house and meet new people at the same time. Before Work Club, I used to work from home or go to cafes, but all on my own. I really look forward to each Work Club because it gives me what I miss about my corporate job — being with people and having inspiring conversations.

How would you describe Work Club to someone who’s never been? What would you say to someone who’s hesitant to join?

It’s a bunch of really friendly and interesting people, who meet up to have delicious coffee, tap away at their laptops, and have a nice chat every now and then. You’re not the lonely laptop person in the corner anymore. At a minimum, you have a group of other remote workers to work alongside, and at best they become your friends.

Besides Work Club, do you have any tips or tricks to staying productive?

I try to do 10 minutes of yoga every morning, ideally before breakfast. It really wakes up my body and brain, and gives me focus for the rest of the day. And I drink at least one large glass of water before doing anything else.

How do people learn more about your work and leading a zero waste life?

Check out my blog ( or follow me on Instagram (@bluegreenblog). I’m planning to host zero waste shopping events in Fremont soon, where I’ll share tips on meal-planning and how to avoid plastic waste while shopping. Follow me to stay in the loop!

How can we make Work Club more eco friendly?

I think this is already the case with most Work Clubs, but it’d be awesome if hosts could choose cafes that serve coffee in ceramic or glass mugs and not plastic/paper cups!

Bettina is just one of thousands of people you might meet at Work Club — so what’re you waiting for?



Kyle Ladewig
Out Of Office Inc

Founder @AppOutOfOffice: building cool products for remote workers. ex-product/real estate/strategy @Lyft, @TenX_CRE, @ClassPass, @NewmarkKF, @Stanford.