Human Made on Remote Work: all the things we’ve said and written about work in the digital age

Out of Office Event
Out of Office
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2017

Out of Office is now in its second edition, and although it’s the first remote work event we’ve organised, it’s certainly not the first time we’ve talked, or put pen to paper to share our thoughts, on remote work.

Check out just some of our people talking and writing on lots of different aspects of remote work over the years.

Listen: Noel Tock on’s remote work podcast

By Noel Tock & Jeff Robbins

Noel Tock, our CPO at Human Made, was asked to talk to Jeff Robbins about distributed success, remote management and our journey from Matlock, UK to five continents and over 50 humans.

Read: Dealing with the Causes of Stress in Remote Teams

By Siobhan McKeown

As a globally distributed team, we are always reflecting internally on what we do and how we can improve. In the summer of 2016 we were lucky to have Catalina Alvarez, an MSc student in Occupational Psychology, do an internship with us. Catalina’s research gave us new insight into how we operate as a team, and spurred us to do further research ourselves and put together this white paper to share what we learned.

Watch: Dealing with the Causes of Stress in Remote Teams

By Tom Willmot

Prior to the launch of the white paper, Tom gave a presentation at our first Out of Office event covering the most important points from the research.

Watch: Slack & Beyond: Internal Communication for Distributed Companies

By Franz Vitulli

“Distance will die,” the British economist Frances Cairncross predicted while observing the spread of the Internet in the 1990s. At Human Made, we defeat distance on a daily basis with the help of several tools.

In this session Franz explains how we communicate internally and shares how you can implement the same effective strategies to improve team communication — while reducing issues related to time zone, culture and lifestyle.

Watch: Distributed, Open Source, Happiness

By Tom Willmot

Our traditional understanding of motivation is broken. Thankfully the science is now clear. Explore how a culture which embraces remote work in an Open Source environment promotes the real drivers of motivation and ultimately leads to a happy, motivated team.

Catch Tom at Out of Office on dealing with stress in remote teams.

Read: Remote Internships

By Franz Vitulli

One of the most challenging parts of hiring new employees is onboarding and getting new people up to speed with processes, operations and integrating them into the company culture. In remote work, location becomes an additional consideration. Delve into how we do entry level onboarding at Human Made.

Watch: The Remote Agency Toolbox

By Petya Raykovska

Location independence can be hugely beneficial; but it can also be immensely frustrating if it’s not executed in the right way. Listen to how we, a distributed agency and WordPress VIP partner, do enterprise work for clients in 4 continents with over 30 employees spread across the world.

See Petya’s other talk on lessons she’s learned from a year of location independence.

Read: Lessons I learned on the road as a digital nomad

By Noel Tock

A personal story of digital nomadism and practical tips and advice from an experienced working traveller.

Do you have your own story to share? Or tips you’ve learned along the way? Have questions on remote work? Join us here to start talking to other remote professionals around the world today.

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Out of Office Event
Out of Office

Out of Office is an exploration into how we work in the digital age. Join our online remote work event live streamed May 30th, 4pm BST: