Mint hot chocolate

Rohit Gupta
3 min readAug 2, 2017


“Will you be interested in sharing the empty seat?” Jane asked a guy sitting in the coffee shop. But he did not respond. He was engrossed in watching something on his mobile phone. “Excuse me. Can I take this seat?” Jane asked again, however, with a stern and intense voice. He sat lifelessly and didn’t respond.

Unfortunately, there was no other seat to be taken in the shop. Jane had already ordered her drink and was looking for a decent place to sit and think. She had left her house after a heated argument with her partner John. She had tried to be polite and asked him twice even though she was in a bad mood. She didn’t possess any spirit to ask again, so she just pulled the chair and sat opposite to the guy. That’s when she noticed that he had plugged in his earphones and was too engrossed in the video.

He looked up and saw her sitting opposite chair. He was not expecting any company and seat was apparently vacant. He promptly apologized for his manners, and like a proper gentleman asked her if he can do something for her. Jane had calmed down by now and was no more agitated. She was little disappointed that John didn’t carry these noble traits. “Why can’t all guys be like you?” she sighed. “What did you say? I didn’t hear clearly?” he replied with a confused look. Jane responded casually, “No. I didn’t say anything.”

Their conversation went on for a couple of more minutes, and the barista arrived. She announced “Mint hot chocolate.” and both, Jane and the guy, responded simultaneously “that will be mine.” All three looked at each other and burst into laughter. He politely asked her to have the coffee. He would wait for hers to arrive and take that one.
Jane was impressed by his chivalry and took up the cup.

Jane had just started drinking when the girl at the counter called the barista to deliver the second order. He excused himself and said that he would bring the coffee himself. Before leaving, he told her “Why don’t you sit at my spot and enjoy the view of the ocean from here or watch the videos on my phone. They might interest you.”

They exchanged the spot, and he went to the counter to help himself with Jan’s coffee. Jane watched the ocean for a while and then she picked up the phone. She started scrolling the list of videos. She took earphones and plugged it in. She was half way done with his coffee by the time she started the first video.

Jane was stupefied after what she saw in the video. She was present in them. There were videos from her coffee shop visits, from her office desks and even from her home. She saw the last video seen by the guy, and it was her morning fight with her boyfriend. She didn’t know what she had gotten. And then suddenly she realized that everyone around her in the coffee shop was watching videos and a few were looking at her.

She looked at the counter and searched for him. He was not hard to find. He was standing right beside the barista. Both were looking at her and were smiling. She was disoriented and was feeling dizzy. She was looking at him, standing and drinking her mint hot chocolate. She felt some wetness on her trouser and shirt which made her realize that bleeding from her nose.

Jane was unable to think straight, and before she shut her eyes, she read a message delivered to his phone, “Good Job Marcel. You finished the task and won the contract. Money has been transferred. Enjoy her hot mint chocolate. Thanks from John”

Day 2
This is part of my of my 31 day challenge in August’17. I will write something everyday for next 29 days. It can be on any topic in any genre in any style.

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Rohit Gupta

I am a storyteller, from a parallel universe where they didn’t let me write. Hence offloading my stories in here, with words and feelings.