Under the bed

Rohit Gupta
2 min readAug 1, 2017


John saw something move beneath his bed while he was combing his hairs. He saw something crawl, in the mirror. John was staying in a motel room. He had arrived in town in the morning for a friend’s wedding.

John was startled. He was questioning himself if it was just a figment of his imagination or was nothing to be alarmed of. He was unable to concretely establish exactly what he had seen. But he was sure that he had seen something.

He took few deep breaths and kneeled down to look under the bed. He was little scared and didn’t want to, but an inner voice compelled him to see what was in there. He looked under the bed for a minute or so and stood straight up. There was nothing in there to ponder upon.

He was still standing in a baffled mode when his senses started tickling. They gave him a feeling of being watched. He got goosebumps like never before. John slowly turned around and looked in the mirror. He could not spot anything in the whole room before he saw those two bright eye flickering below the bed. He turned around, and they were was gone. There was nothing under the bed.

In all this unsettling episode he lost his balance and tripped towards the mirror. To stop himself from falling held onto the mirror stand. He tightly held the stand with one hand and kept the other on the face of the mirror.

Even before he could take his hands off the mirror, someone came out from under the bed and jumped right on him. There was no one in his room, but a black body had grabbed him in the mirror. He was unable to move and was stuck to the mirror.

In just a couple of second, he got an out of body experience and found himself no more in his room, but in the mirror. He could not identify himself. He was all black mass with bright eyes. He just stood beside the mirror when his body bid him goodbye, from the room. He stood there for a while and then silently glided under the bed. He knew what he had to do to get out.

Day 1
This is part of my of my 31 day challenge in August’17. I will write something everyday for next 30 days. It can be on any topic in any genre in any style.

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Rohit Gupta

I am a storyteller, from a parallel universe where they didn’t let me write. Hence offloading my stories in here, with words and feelings.