Our History

Outcrowd. A short description of a long path

Erik Messaki
4 min readAug 3, 2020


Illustration: Outcrowd


There once was a time when there was no Outcrowd. There was just a small band of freelance designers passionate about what they do. The band was called Messaki Studio, and it was a small sailboat among the large cruise liners of design. We did our job, and our only concern was how to do it to the best of our abilities. We watched the masters and learned from them. It was exciting, and we were so immersed in our work and full of passion that we didn’t even notice our own growth. We dreamed and made plans. We didn’t know a lot of things but we wanted to know everything. We were naive and had no idea what obstacles lay ahead. It was the time of our childhood, and we remember it fondly and gratefully.


Over time, our projects began to draw attention. Our standing grew, as did other people’s desire to work with us. We came to realize we didn’t have enough people to take on new jobs. We found we lacked knowledge and skills to manage our growing team. We learned on the fly, filling the gaps, making mistakes, and learning from them to move ahead. At first, we served as our own managers, marketing analysts, and recruiters. Soon it became apparent that playing the multiarmed Shiva was not the best option. Every set of hands should be doing one particular job, with quality and commitment. We understood the value of having proper organization, management, strategy, and clearly defined goals. This stage had its own share of mistakes, but today we know that ultimately we did everything right. All of us kept learning, but now we were better focused and goal-oriented. By organizing and setting our priorities straight, we became the Outcrowd studio. This was the dawn of our adolescence, and it was also a wonderful time. We grew and developed, which was not always easy or simple. But we saw the prospects ahead, so our experience and responsibility grew along with our success.

That was also the time when our own style was born and developed. Essentially, it’s esthetic minimalism, which reflects our philosophy and approach to life: being able to tell the important from the peripheral, clarity, simplicity, and neatness. We stood out from the crowd because we set ourselves the goal of creating unique projects and making our clients unique in the process. By building up others, step by step, we rise.


We continue growing professionally, becoming stronger, improving our business processes and cooperation. This growth is about quality, not quantity. We judge it based on our experience, achievements, feedback. And it’s not really us judging, but rather our clients, who wish to work with us and entrust serious projects to us. We have every reason to be proud of our achievements, but this is only the beginning. Outcrowd has become an efficient team of huge potential, and we are not just designers anymore: we work with developers, publishers, artists, motion designers, marketing experts, and other professionals. Today, we create projects from idea to launch. They are efficient, unique, liked by users, and profitable to their owners. We are happy and proud of our successes as much as our clients are, but we know there’s still a long road ahead.

In hindsight, we can clearly make out the factors that enabled us to get to where we are today. It is work, work, and more work, which we love with all our hearts. It’s the constant striving for perfection, the learning, and the quest for knowledge. We learned from the masters, but we sought our own way, our own philosophy of creativity, and our own style. We learned to communicate in a way that benefits our common cause. And in no small way we have always relied on our commitment, belief in ourselves and people, healthy optimism, and positive thinking. Looking back at the way we have come, we can also see another important factor of success: we have always been consistent. Lastly, an impartial analysis of both successes and failures has always played a major role.


We still keep learning and always will. We know exactly what we want and how to get it. We help others accomplish their goals and continue looking for new solutions. At the same time, we look at the transforming world around us with wide open eyes, always embracing the new and willing to change.

Most importantly, we never forget that we work with people and for people. So everything we do, we do with love. That’s the way it always has been and always will be.

Sincerely yours,

the Outcrowd Team.



Erik Messaki

UI/UX Design and Development. Let’s create something wonderful together! hello@outcrowd.io