Top 10 Best Landing Page Examples

A review of the best designs by the Outcrowd team

Erik Messaki
4 min readSep 11, 2020


We have determined the top 10 best Landing Page Examples published on Dribbble using parameters such as professionalism of presentation, visual simplicity and interface usability, unique and esthetic design, and being in line with current trends.

We hope these will inspire designers to be bold and creative in their own projects.

  1. IOCO / Biocomputer by Mike | Creative Mints
IOCO / Biocomputer by Mike | Creative Mints

3D design is the trendiest thing in 2020. The work by Mike | Creative Mints deserves to be number one.

The project offers a perfect harmonious blend of animation, 3D, and web elements. The design is highly professional, esthetically pleasing, and carries the unmistakable author’s touch.

2. Nutracheck Website Redesign by Cuberto

Nutracheck Website Redesign by Cuberto

Nutracheck Website Redesign by Cuberto

Cuberto’s work immediately grabs your attention with its uncluttered and delicate design, with rich illustrations. The team clearly paid attention to every little detail, doing a professional and impressive job.

3. Bento by Dash for UI8

Bento by Dash for UI8

This is definitely a top job, thanks to well-balanced 3D elements and a color palette that’s easy on the eye.

4. GOTOEGYPT — Travel Landing Page by Achraf Elkaami

GOTOEGYPT — Travel Landing Page by Achraf Elkaami

Photographs are an integral part of web design. When they’re perfectly chosen and blend in well with the other elements, it makes for an outstanding job!

5. Landing page — Rasmos by Outcrowd

Landing page — Rasmos by Outcrowd

This design earns a place on our list due to the unconventional element placement, their perfect balance, and the dynamics between the shapes and the color highlights.

6. TheHub — Website Exploration 01 by Filip Justić

TheHub — Website Exploration 01 by Filip Justić

A carefully planned UX, well-chosen colors and photos bespeak an admirable level of professionalism.

7. Global Charity Giving Platform by Cuberto

Global Charity Giving Platform by Cuberto

A minimalist, uncluttered and pleasant design. Large shapes and professionally chosen colors leave us no choice but to rank this one among the top 10.

8. Landing Page — The Cronos by Outcrowd

Landing Page — TheCronos by Outcrowd

One of this design’s strongest aspects is the illustration. Vivid, rich and inspiring, it creates a special vibe and makes the design instantly memorable.

9. The Ark by Cosmin Capitanu

The Ark by Cosmin Capitanu

This design makes our top 10 because of its unique style. An interesting choice of animating elements, the large, bold font of the headline, and the unique header menu make it one of the best.

10. D E S T I N A T I O N by Zak Steele-Eklund

D E S T I N A T I O N by Zak Steele-Eklund

This is a powerful and effective design due to professional illustration. A high-contrast, deep color palette with well-balanced elements and a unique choice of fonts make this design worthy of the top 10.


Each of these designs has its advantages and specifics, so the ranking itself is arbitrary. What is similar about all these projects is their professionalism, esthetic, usability, effective presentation, creativity, and uniqueness. Well done, guys!



Erik Messaki

UI/UX Design and Development. Let’s create something wonderful together!