009 A.T. Thru Hike Workout: Run

Tara Vavrik
Outdoor Fitness Junkie
1 min readMay 14, 2020

Type: Drilled Run

Workout: Cadence Drill and Acceleration Drill 4 sets each

How’d it go: Have you ever seen the karate kid? The master would have his student do repetitive tasks to get stronger with specific movements and create discipline. The same concepts go with running and working out. There may be workouts you do over and over again, but the point is to build discipline and get better at the task or movement.

Today I gave my warm-up more attention. Started with a jog and mid-way through stretched. It did help with my overall performance of the workout. The run felt a lot stronger too. My legs were able to go the distance, and I didn’t feel too much out of breath.

I’ve debated on just having one post about the drills I do or maybe not posting every day. If you are reading this blog, let me know, and I’ll work on that.

Mileage: 1.76 miles

Time: 26:11

Notes: Warm-up the correct way and it’ll be a better workout.



Tara Vavrik
Outdoor Fitness Junkie

AT 2021 * Outdoor Enthusiast * Personal Trainer * “Send It” professional