10 Tips for RV Beginners

Get Outdoorsy
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2015

Just getting started with RV travel? At first, things can seem a little daunting. There’s so much information needed to make good decisions starting out. We’ve compiled a list of ten things that you should think about when you’re getting started with the whole RV process.

1. Think about the renting vs. buying debate.

There are so many types of RVs out there. Class A’s, B’s, C’s, towables — how do you choose what’s best? Here’s one way: rent, rent, rent. Renting is a great idea, especially at first, until you’ve figured out your own RV style. (We admit, we may be biased: Outdoorsy exists to hook people up with the best rental rigs out there, from small travel trailers to huge luxury motor coaches).

2. Find a knowledgeable bud.

Two guys who know how to do it right.

Chances are, you have a family member or a buddy who’s already been through this process. See if you can tag along on one of their adventures or plan one together — you’ll learn things the easy way and have some fun without all the pressure of going at it alone.

3. Use your research time wisely.

Consume as much information from good sources as you can while starting out. At Outdoorsy, our jam is finding useful how-to’s, amazing destinations and cool travel stories to help inform first-timers and seasoned travelers alike. We also like to share other sites that we think are doing it right.

4. Put together a pre-flight routine and checklist.

Consistency is key to developing good habits.

  • Check all storage compartment doors.
  • Make sure the step is up.
  • Make sure antenna is down.
  • Check fluid levels and tire pressure.
  • Make sure emergency brake is off.
  • Shut all the cabinet doors properly.

Practice makes perfect.

(Reminders help too.)

Check out this cool reminder band thingy that goes around your wheel.

Ignore the weird audio on the rvminders.com site.

5. Get to your destination as early as possible.

Nothing stinks worse for arriving late in the day or after dark while trying to set up camp.

As a beginner, this is a horrible way to start out, especially if you aren’t comfortable with your rig just yet.

6. Double check your awning.

what an awning lock looks like

We’re kind of nutty about making sure our awnings are rolled up properly and secured at Outdoorsy. If you’ve ever witnessed an awning coming unfurled from a travel trailer while on the interstate, you know why.

Think about adding additional aftermarket awning locks to your RV wishlist.

Take Ben Franklin’s words to heart:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

7. Check the date code on your tires.

Even if you’re renting, it’s a good idea to check your tire codes to see how old they are.

If the RV hasn’t been used frequently, the tires may look great, but could be super old.

Tire rubber breaks down over time. Even if the tread looks fine, it’s recommended that they be replaced every five to seven years.

8. Put together a good tool kit

Guess what? Something’s gonna break on your travels. You can count on it. Make sure to bring along a good assortment of wrenches, ratchets, sockets, screwdrivers, tire repair kit, a good compressor, flares, spare fuses and other goodies to keep things going.

9. Pack light

It’s easy to get carried away when packing for an RV trip. Just because it will physically fit doesn’t mean you need to bring it along. Make good choices. Think like a backpacker — everything is weight. Focus on the essentials.

10. Plan your route in advance

Don’t try to roll through downtown Atlanta during rush hour.

Windy mountain roads and passes aren’t fun when pulling a train-sized camper.

Take your time and be patient. This is supposed to be fun, right?

After some time behind the wheel, a lot of things become second nature. You’ll be thinking less about every little thing and more about relaxing and kicking back at camp.

Got a tip?
Comments below or on Facebook.

Feel inspired? Check out some sweet rigs you can rent on Outdoorsy to hit the open road.

Originally published at www.outdoorsy.com on December 1, 2015.



Get Outdoorsy

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