Spring (2014)

outer edge.
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2015

Dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead

“A young man in a personal tailspin flees the US to Italy, where he sparks up a romance with a woman harboring a dark, primordial secret.”

This turned out to be much sweeter, much more touching than I had first anticipated. Though the film takes a good half an hour to get into its stride it really is worth the slight uneasy feeling you may have when Evan first gets to Italy and you’re wondering if it’s going to turn into something akin to the Hostel series, but thankfully this is as far away from that kind of horror as possible. Those scenes with the British guys are a complete waste of time and should’ve been trashed in the editing room, they don’t push the plot forward at all and this hiccup is why I can’t rate the film higher than 3/5.

At it’s core the film is a dark, fairy-tale like horror romance but it keeps itself grounded in ways that are really satisfying and could only be possible in the world of independent cinema because if someone else, other than Benson & Moorhead, had made the film it could’ve easily turned into one of those slick, Hollywood style fantasy movies with lots of leather, low-key lighting, vivid colours and fast editing. The film does have very dark moments, horrifying moments, but they’re handled with a certain amount of grace and elegance that I wasn’t expecting and you will enjoy this film more than you think you might.

The lead actors are great. Lou Taylor Pucci’s portrayal of Evan is wholly convincing, his character could’ve run the risk of being entirely forgettable but he’s sweet and charming and highly likeable. Nadia Hilker has been working in German television for about 5 years, this is her first feature film, and I have to say I’m a little bit in love with her. The personality she gives to a character that could easily have fallen into the realms of utter cliché is really, really refreshing.

A slightly twisted, supernatural companion piece to Before Sunrise? maybe, maybe not. But definitely something different, at least.

I’ve purposely avoided using stills that may spoil some of the plot, I urge you not to watch the trailer and just check this out with a fresh pair of eyes.

