#0 __ launch

outer ] [ space
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2018

One year ago, on a warm summer evening in Berlin, I waited with one of my best friends outside of a windowless power station.

Countless moments from that night are seared into my memory. Trepidation as we approached the bouncer, seeing group after group ahead of us sent away. Electricity over my skin as we gingerly stepped through this maze of steel and concrete. Arms on each other’s shoulders as we descended into the foggy mineshaft towards the dance floor. Hands gripped to steel pipes, rocking my body to the beat.

I came back from Berlin obsessed. For so many years I had craved this experience not knowing where to find it, continually disappointed by concerts and clubs.

It feels absurd, in hindsight. This is an indispensable part of my life now. My party spreadsheet tells me I’ve been to 83 parties in 39 venues over the last year. I’m loving it more than ever. Weekend after weekend, my heart palpitates when I imagine the next time I’ll be out on the dance floor in a sea of weird and fascinating people that also find themselves drawn to this little corner of the human experience.

I want to share these joys with other people. I want to understand why these sounds invoke such control over our bodies. I want to remember great nights and learn from bad nights. I want to foster conversations on safety and inclusivity. I want to dance.

This newsletter is an expression of my love for this culture. My way of contributing to this community which I have come to adore. I’ll be doing a few things here:​ reflecting on past parties, ruminating on nightlife, music, and dancing, and recommending upcoming events. I also hope this can become a place where others will want to share as well. If you have writing you’d like to contribute, shoot me an email or hit me up on instagram, twitter, whatever.

Let’s go to fucking outer space, man.

