The End of the World — and the beginning of a new one for Outer Travels Inner Journeys.

Francesca Cassini
Outer Travels Inner Journeys
3 min readApr 21, 2015

It was the end of the world…as he knew it! Ayahuasca had spoken and she got her way.

Can you remember where you were on the 2012 December solstice? Perhaps you were on the first tour organised by Andy Metcalfe and Outer Travels Inner Journeys, which culminated at Machu Picchu on the 21st of the month. If you were, you may have been too inspired by the moment to notice how stressed he’d been. You see he had never organised anything like this before and had only done so under the clear and singular instruction of Ayahuasca*. However the feedback was so surprisingly excellent, Andy’s world changed completely. Since then he’s devoted himself to creating on-going tours in Peru to introduce like-minded people to the sacred sites in the landscape as well as their inner landscapes through the powerful sacred plant medicine of Ayahuasca and San Pedro.

What Andy understood was the healing power of the sacred plants. But what has blown him away over the last two and a bit years is how each group of participants becomes its own unique tribe and it is this more than anything which has driven OTIJ to develop its tours so successfully. These two points are what make it all compellingly worthwhile and so the big news is….drum roll please….

OTIJ is going to bring you new tours on different continents, all with the special Outer Travels Inner Journeys stamp.

To get an OTIJ stamp of approval means something. The guides and facilitators all have something unique to bring to the mix and are deft at weaving synergy within the group. We’ll take the energy of our tribe beyond its confines to collaborate with local people wherever we visit. And we’ll endeavour to find those places and moments of magic to make each tour extra special too.

To herald the emergence of OTIJ playing in a more global field the business is being re-branded and a new website is close to being launched. The new logo has already gone live on this current site. It’s an exciting time for the whole of humanity as well as OTIJ. According to the Bible Codes these next two years are pretty major ones. Numerologically it’s a 7 year which apparently can be highly magical. The United Nations is branding 2015 as ‘The International Year of Light’. I don’t think they mean it in quite the same way we may interpret that, but hey, I’m up for our interpretation if you are. In Chinese New Year terms 2015 is the Wood Sheep which encourages all acts of kindness, cooperation, healing and creativity, which is what we’re all about. What a perfect time to be stretching beyond our comfort zones — not just us at OTIJ but all of us.

If you’re interested in all things transformational, spiritual and travel orientated please keep an eye open for our blogs as we’ll be exploring our outer and inner worlds and sharing what we discover.

We also love hearing from you about your experiences in travel and transformation. Please feel free to make suggestions of places to visit and things to watch or participate in. If you resonate with the values and passion of OTIJ then we’re all in the same tribe….so grab the ‘talking stick’ and share your thoughts with us.

*The Ayahuasca medicine is a sacred plant brew that has been used by indigenous Amazonian cultures for thousands of years — primarily for healing, divination and spiritual awakening. Working with Ayahuasca is an intense, profound and often transformative experience that can lead to some very deep healing on all levels of your being — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is a doorway to inner worlds that allows us to experience higher states of consciousness and spiritual awakening. To many people it reveals the multi-dimensional nature of reality and ourselves.

Originally published at on March 29, 2015.



Francesca Cassini
Outer Travels Inner Journeys

Storyteller; illustrating that when you follow your heart, come what may, you tap in to the collaborative essence of Nature, and nothing is impossible