Almost all Carts are Abandoned

Fiteo Public
Outfit Advisor
Published in
Sep 20, 2022

Is the Cart actually a Wishlist?

Cart Abandonment occurs when a customer adds item to the cart but does not complete the purchase.

In an online store, Cart Abandonment is 88% (source). Let that sink in.

How often does that happen in a grocery store? in a mall? 10%, 5%, even less….Wow.

Is the Cart poorly designed in an online store? Is it used like a bookmark? a wish list? Maybe worth rethinking its design.

What does it mean for a Brand/Retailer? Invest in improving your Cart experience. Prioritize it. Big.

Definition: Cart Abandonment = (1 — Purchases/Carts Created) * 100.



Fiteo Public
Outfit Advisor

Retail Media for Mid-Market Retailers & Marketplaces