Mountain features that must be a part of any trekker’s vocabulary
By Kavya Tolia
Hey there, adventure seekers! As a trekking enthusiast, you might know that each mountain terrain differs due to its features and the challenges it tends to bring up. These diverse geographical features have their unique rewards too.
In this blog, we will explore the different features of a mountain that are must-know for a mountaineer or a trekker. From majestic peaks to marvellous ridges, we will explore it all! So prepare to enrich your insights into the world of mountains for an enhanced outdoor experience wherein you can help others, too.
1.Arête- Arête is a sharp vertical crested ridge. It is formed between two adjacent valleys due to the movement of a glacier. When two cirque glaciers move eroding land opposite to each other, all that is left is an arête.
Tips for trekkers-
Be prepared with proper gear to climb an arête as it has sharp slopes on both sides. The ‘Laybacking’ technique is usually used to climb an arête.
2. Cairn- A cairn is a pile of stones stacked one over the other. It is a man-made navigation tool for trails or serves as a memorial in the mountains.
Tips for trekkers-
It is important to not disturb the cairns as they serve as routes for trails.
Cairns in some regions also have spiritual importance and thus it is important to respect them.
3. Cirque- A cirque is a semi-circular bowl-shaped depression found on the side of or near a mountain or at the head of a glacial valley. Cirques have a vertically dropping high wall on one side. It is a result of erosion of a glacier.
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers should be prepared for a dramatic terrain since a cirque includes steep slopes and rocky unstable grounds.
4. Col- A col is a depression in the landscape and is the lowest point of a ridge or a saddle. Cols make for natural passage through a mountain range. Cols are typically situated at the elevation of valleys.
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers should be prepared for sudden changes in the weather while being on a col.
Cols make for great spots to rest and enjoy a view.
5. Couloir- Couloir is a French word that means ‘corridor’ and it refers to a gully in the mountainside. A couloir is typically rocky and quite vertical and found on the steepest part of a mountain.
Tips for trekkers-
A couloir provides a direct path up and down a mountain, it is important to carry the right equipment if you plan a route up and down a couloir.
Couloirs are prone to falling rocks or avalanches thus a thorough plan of action needs to be made while dealing with this terrain.
6. Crevasse- A crevasse is a split or a deep crack in a glacier or ice sheet. It is formed by the movement of a glacier down a valley and hitting choke points or changes in the bedrock. They can be a few centimetres to meters wide and deep.
Tips for trekkers-
Crevasses are usually hazardous due to their difficult-to-judge depths and should be tackled with awareness.
Trekkers should usually partner up and roped techniques when crossing a crevasse.
7. Massif- Massif consists of a compact group of mountains that are connected with multiple peaks and ridges. Massifs include both high peaks and extended plateaus. They are very stable due to their geographical structure.
Tips for trekkers-
Study the terrain, its characteristics and nature thoroughly for a seamless climb or descent.
Soak in the wide variety of biodiversity massifs have to offer.
8.Moraine- A large accumulation of glacial debris(rocks, soil or other sediments) is called a moraine. It is formed due to the action of a glacier. Depending on which side of a glacier they are formed, moraines are of different types like lateral, terminal, medial and ground moraines.
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers should use tools for stability as moraines have uneven grounds.
9. Pass- A mountain pass is a low point between two peaks which makes going from one side of the range to another easier. It is a navigable route through a mountain range. A pass can be recognized as a top point from where one can see the peaks it connects.
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers should be aware of the changes in weather and altitude and carry appropriate gear.
10. Peak- Also known as a summit, a peak refers to the pointed top of a mountain. It is often the end goal of mountaineers or trekkers and is the highest point in the area being explored. Some peaks are sharp while others can be rounded. A peak forms because of tectonic forces which result in the uplifting of the earth’s crust
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers must ensure that they are acclimatized to high altitudes and carrying proper gear and equipment while summiting a peak.
11. Re-entrant- A re-entrant is a small valley with ground rising on 3 sides descending from one side and cutting into a ridge or a hillside. Re-entrants are formed as a result of water erosion. They either create a U-shaped or a V-shaped indentation. Re-entrants can be useful navigators for mountaineers and potential resting spots as they provide protection from wind and tend to have water sources.
Tips for trekkers-
Stay cautious of the loose rocks or debris that gets collected in re-entrants.
12. Ridge- A ridge is a long narrow line of elevated ground that joins two mountain tops. It steeps downwards from both sides. Ridges run parallel to the surrounding terrain at the lower level. Ridges are formed due to natural geological processes and range from a few metres to kilometres long. Ridges provide scenic panoramic views and offer exceptional visibility.
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers should be prepared for exposure to high winds and rapid weather changes on ridges.
13. Saddle- The lowest point on a ridge or between two peaks is called a saddle. It has a dip on either side like a saddle with higher elevations. It is formed at the intersection between two ascending slopes. Saddles make great campsites and resting spots as they have a comparatively flatter area.
Tips for trekkers-
Trekkers should make use of saddles to ease further elevation and descent changes.
14. Spur — A spur is a long lateral ridge that runs from a mountain or a hill to a lower elevation. Spurs usually separate two valleys or re-entrants.The sides may be steep, but a spur’s top gently slopes downwards. Since they provide access to and from higher elevations, hikers and trekkers use spurs for many paths and trails. Spurs are also great for laying down roads in mountainous regions.
Tips for trekkers-
Use spurs to further plan the trek as they provide clear views.
Be cautious in spurs during rainy or icy conditions as the slopes on either side of spurs can be hazardous.
15. U-shaped valley and V-shaped valley- A U-shaped valley is a valley with a U-shaped cross-section that forms due to glacier erosion. It has a broad flat floor and straight steep sides.
A V-shaped valley has a similar characteristic to a V-shaped cross-section. It has a narrow floor with steep converging slopes on both sides.
Tips for trekkers-
Look around these valleys as they support a great quality of ecosystem, they are sights to behold for flora enthusiasts.
16. Verglas—Verglas refers to the thin and transparent layer of ice that forms on rocks due to freezing over time. It is difficult to spot in low light or when there is a layer of snow over it.
Tips for trekkers-
Verglas is a slipping hazard and it is advised to wear proper shoes preferably microspikes while trekking in areas with the possibility of this feature.
To trek safely, it is important to learn to identify verglas.
It is vital to understand these features of a mountain to stay cautious of hazardous terrains and possible landmarks, these help you climb peaks safely and soundly while providing an enriching experience. Going through the topographic map of the mountains you are planning to climb will give you an overview of the terrains that you will come across during this climb, it is recommended that one prepares themselves based on this information. Safe travels and a wonderful hike!