This Digital Notebook makes it SUPER easy to Organize your Paperless Notes

Ralu Petrea
Outline Planner
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2021

Have you ever wanted a notebook with a simple structure that can adapt to your needs? Even more, are you looking for all of these to be digital notebooks?

The undated OutlineBook could be what you need because:

  1. It’s a PDF file that can be imported inside Noteshelf or Goodnotes app to start taking notes.

2. It’s UNDATED so you can use it over and over again. Just re-import the original, make the adjustments and enjoy it!

3. It allows you to define up to 12 categories and add meaningful content to them.

4. It also has seven built-in notebooks, all under one hood (each notebook has links to 12 categories), so there’s no way you can organize your extra notes better than this!

5. Plus, I have included 150+ built-in templates that you can copy and paste inside your categories folders or built-in notebooks.

ps: this is coming soon inside the VAULT.

pps: To use this digital planner you’ll need a note taking app installed on the iPad. I import my planner to Noteshelf app, but you can also use goodnotes or Notability apps.



Ralu Petrea
Outline Planner

UX Designer | Digital Planners Creator at Outline Planner | Productivity & Self-care