Discover New Friends. The OutPax Way.

OutPax Blog
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2015


OutPax embraces everyone. The outdoors is not secluded in close circles of adventurers. It doesn’t discriminate physical weakness. It is for singles and families, for the slackers and starters, for the young and young at heart.

Here are 2 ways how you can find new friends in OutPax. Build real connections and break walls of indifference.

Join An Event

Join an OutPax event and meet new friends. Don’t hesitate. All events in OutPax are not exclusive to a group. The organizer and the participants welcome you completely.

Create An Event

Expand your circle by creating an event for your friends and welcoming new ones. Be a people person. You are forging friendships through real life interactions.

Discover new friends. Discover life the OutPax way.

