How can teachers balance their work-lives

Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

Outplanr can help teachers to organize their tasks and meetings and better plan their work weeks. Here’s how:

Split subjects or classes as Projects: You can create a project for each classroom, for example, and then organize your work in each one. Create events for meetings, and allocate time to each task to see how busy you are.

Let’s collaborate! If you are orienting a project group, you can invite them into your account as a Team, assign them a Project, and see in real-time what your students are doing. It’s an easy way to collaborate with them.

Shsss it’s Private… There are several subjects that students don’t need to see, so creating Private Projects is very helpful for those out-of sight to-dos.

So much to prepare! There are some tasks that are personal, and having space at Outplanr for this is a bonus. It’s a good way to balance work and life at one single tool.

Lessons, meetings, exams, all in one… Having a calendar board where you can see all exam you have to make, every reunion you need to be present or an extra-lesson you have to give is a great way to never forget anything and always keeping up.

Discuss and participate. Sometimes students have questions and doubts about something, especially before exams, and having a platform where you can answer to those is great. Get them onboard, add exercises, check progress, all in one place.

Piling Up Files. Assessments, exam results, worksheets, lessons summaries, all types of files that you can keep organized in Outplanr, associated to different tasks.

If you use Outplanr is another way, please let us know! 👩🏼‍🏫

