How to get more done without working late

Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2017

Productivity requires organization skills and even a change of personal habits. Getting work done on time and avoid procrastination is core to get the best of our time.

With Outplanr’s help, you can manage multiple projects, track their progress and completion and make sure that work is well distributed, crossing human resources and project management in one tool.

Here’s how we can use the task management features of Outplanr to get the most of your day:

Plan your day. Feeling you don’t have enough time in the day for all we need to do might mean that you need to organize it better.

Make a list of everything you have on your plate, give it a duration and check your daily workload in the Plan View. Are you too busy today? Pick the most urgent tasks and move the other ones into the next day.

Get the job straight away. Click on the start button and get into that task without further ado. Tracking your tasks is not only great for future reference but also helps you avoid procrastinating when you really need to get things done.

Be on the know. Get the pulse of all your Company’s work across projects without having to interrupt everyone for their status updates. Fewer interruptions mean a better focus on the job. In the end, see how much each task took against your plans, check your time spending and learn about future project planning.

Less interruptions = more focus. The Outplanr notifications were designed to not be intrusive while giving you just the info you need at a glance. When you assign a task to someone else, you automatically get gentle notifications of its progress in your “Work” view. Don’t worry, Urgent tasks are sent straight to your email, to make sure nothing important is missed.

Everyone’s time is precious. That’s why everything on Outplanr is organized around people and not tasks. When starting a task, it is broadcasted automatically and if you follow it, you will get gentle nudges about what’s happening with it. By avoiding unnecessary shoulder taps to check on your progress, your productivity will soar.

Keep your work schedule. More focus on your tasks means that you can then get off work on time and keep a healthy work-life balance.

Turn your to-do lists into clear work plans for a happy and productive team at Outplanr 😊

