New Project Reports

Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2018

To visually understand how is the performance of a team, and to better plan a project, it is important to have a quick summary of the ups and downs of your team’s productivity.

Great news: Outplanr has a new feature - the Project Reports!

Now you can get a report that shows the performance of your resources in each project.

Just select “Project Report” in the Project sub-menu, and behold! 👀

You can select the following date intervals for your report. Coming soon you’ll be also be able to select a custom date interval.

With the Project Report you will be able to quickly see:

  • how many hours were planned for the Project;
  • how many hours were spent;
  • the balance of hours spent against their estimates.

You’ll also get very insightful resource data, such as:

  • how many work hours were recorded by each person;
  • how many work hours they exceeded from the estimates;
  • how many work hours are still planned for them in the future;
  • the total amount of work hours that each one will spend on this project.

If you have a time difference between time “Executed” and “Difference from Planned”, it will show:

  • Green: if they spent less time than the estimates;
  • Red: if you spent more time than the estimates.

When you don’t have any data to show on that date interval, your graph will show as empty.

Your report can be easily printed as a PDF from your browser settings, as this page is print ready.

