Outplanr for Remote Workers

Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2017

Remote work isn’t always easy. It’s essential to be able to balance personal and work time, to avoid overpowering one with the other. A work planner app such as Outplanr is ideal to help you schedule, organize and plan your full day at work and keep you productive, without losing any deadlines. Here’s how:

To-Do List

To get work done, you need to have a to-do list with everything you need to do. So with Outplanr you can organize your to-dos in three levels:

  1. Projects: It can be the “big project”, or your client, or the company you work for, where you will write every task related to it.
  2. Tasks: Basically is what you have to do, your single to-dos. Here you can attach files, description, due date, deadlines, check-list and comment on its progress. They can be either for you or you can delegate them to someone else.
  3. Check-list: when a task is more complex, check-list is ideal to track each step of the task progress.

Real-time tracking

Outplanr can track what everyone is doing in real-time without having to ask, in the Track view. And when you hit “Play” on a task you will also track the time spent on the task while broadcasting its status to everyone on your team.

Schedule your week

Outplanr will make you more productive by letting you create your tasks and events and assign them specifics dates to start, so you can plan and organize your time work.

Collaborate worldwide

Outplanr is a cloud base web app, so wherever — USA, China, UK, Germany, India, Portugal, France — you are you can access to your Outplanr account and work there, on your timezone. This is really useful for travel workers.

Time blocking

Each task you have takes time, be it 30 min, 2 hours, 4 hours… So you need to plan how much time of your day/week you will give to that task. After ending the task, you’ll be able to compare your estimates with the real time spent, and plan ahead.


Communicating with colleagues or clients is very important. At Outplanr we have two way of letting the ideas:

  • Task Comments: At each task detail you have the comment section where you can drop some lines about that task.
  • Slack integration: For a more extensive discussions, we recommend our integration with Slack, where you can create channels and talk with whoever you want.

All Files in one place

It’s important to have all your files connected to their tasks and events, so we don’t lose them. At Outplanr you can upload files to each task details, and in this way also share with your coworkers.


Outplanr has a calendar board where you can see by week what everyone has planned to do, and events and how busy everyone is. It’s great to see who is busy and who can help share the workload.

Go mobile

Outplanr has iOS and Android apps and is fully mobile as well. Take it for a spin!

Personal Tasks

Outplanr has a section for your own personal to-do list, to plan better your full day and get a better work-life balance.

If you have a different experience with Outplanr that you would like to share, please let us know 😊

